Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Gore Highlights Cold In China And Russia To Push “Dirty Weather”

Shameless #dirtyweather is the new norm: — Al Gore (@algore) January 21, 2013 That link goes to his own blog Extreme weather is the new norm: “Around the world, extreme has become the new commonplace. Especially lately. China is enduring its coldest winter in nearly 30 years. Brazil is in the grip of a […]

Hooray! Goverment Wastes $100k On Video Game About Hotcoldwetdry And Gender

When conservatives talk about responsible spending and limited government, this is an example of what we’re talking about. It’s also a good example of Government being in the business of propaganda (Daily Caller) A taxpayer-funded computer game produced by Spelman College features a black female protagonist battling the evil forces of climate change and gender […]

Federal Judge Says EPA Overstepped Legal Authority On Water

Well, hey, the EPA already thinks that CO2, a trace gas necessary for life is a pollutant, why not deem water a pollutant? (Fox News) Virginia officials scored a key victory Thursday in their battle with the Environmental Protection Agency over what EPA critics describe as a land takeover. U.S. District Judge Liam O’Grady in […]

Guns Are Good For Journal News But Not For Those Whose Addresses They Published

If you’ll remember, The Journal News published a Google map containing the names and addresses of those in 2 NY counties who have handgun permits. This was purely done in an attempt to shame and expose those who expressed their 2nd Amendment rights. Of course, what it did was tell criminals which homes they should […]

Hotcoldwetdry Is “Generational Evil”

Because changes in the climate, whether cooler or warmer periods, never happened before in the history of the Earth Climate Change: Generational Evil (VIDEO) The following video is a compact and emotionally moving overview of the problem and solutions to climate change. It is designed to be a quick and compelling way to get up […]

National Geographic: Hey, Snow And Cold Is Caused By Greenhouse Gases

It’s truly sad that a great organization like the National Geographic allows bat guano crazy blog posts like this one from Warmist Greg Laden Top Climate Stories of 2012 Except, they’re actually weather, as Tom Nelson notes. After listing weather events like Superstorm Sandy along with geophysical conditions that have occurred off and on for […]

Energy Killing EPA Head Lisa Jackson Leaving In January

She’s probably looking to find a way to avoid the inquiry over the illegal use of private email for official discourse (USA Today) The pre-second term exodus from the Obama administration continued Thursday with the resignation of Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson. In a statement, Jackson said she is “confident the ship is sailing […]

Oops: David Gregory Probed By Police Over Illegal Magazine

Not the really weird p0rn type of magazine, for those with their minds in the gutter (Politico) The Washington Metropolitan Police Department is investigating whether any city laws were violated when NBC’s David Gregory displayed what appeared to be a 30-round gun magazine on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, a spokesman confirmed to POLITICO. […]

NY Times Really Upset Over Concealed Carry Laws

The anonymous NY Times editorial board has been running editorial after editorial in their drumbeat to take guns away from law abiding citizens (no word from the editorial board as to whether they are going to do away with the armed security guards in their lobby), turning citizens into gazelle in a sea of lions. […]

Know Who’d Be A Warmist? Jesus

According to the lunatics at Think Progress (via Tom Nelson) My vision of Jesus and the life he would lead today is quite the opposite of today’s masters of the universe. In fact, Jesus would probably champion low carbon living. Clearly this is not the focus of fundamental Christians today perhaps because it would require […]

Pirate's Cove