February 14, 2013 – 9:05 am
Our long national nightmare is over! (Politico) Sen. Marco Rubio’s inopportune case of cotton mouth during his State of the Union response may slow his rapidly rising stock, but will likely have no little lingering impact on his 2016 prospects, Republican operatives said Wednesday. “The water moment did not bother me,†said Republican strategist Bruce […]
February 14, 2013 – 8:36 am
Also, never letting a good crisis go to waste while dancing on the graves of kids in an attempt to push a limitation on the 2nd Amendment rights of law abiding citizens while failing to take into consideration any laws that affect criminals How to send your love to Newtown Today is bittersweet. All across […]
February 9, 2013 – 7:48 am
Here we go, two of the leading climate astrologers in the world, Joe Romm and Kevin Trenberth opine (Climate Progress) An epic blizzard is bearing down on New England — fed in part by relatively warm coastal waters. I asked Dr. Kevin Trenberth, former head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for […]
February 6, 2013 – 7:57 am
The cult of Climate Astrology is at it again (via The New Nostradamus Of The North) (Moscow Times) The heaviest snowfall in a century brought Moscow and the surrounding region to a near standstill and left hundreds of people without power, officials said Tuesday. And with snowfall set to continue at least until the end of the week, the authorities are bracing for more chaos on the roads. “There […]
February 4, 2013 – 3:28 pm
Joe Romm at Soros funded Climate Progress tells us we’re dooooooooomed. Or something Manmade Carbon Pollution Has Already Put Us On Track For 69 Feet Of Sea Level Rise If you’re talking about “carbon pollution” you aren’t interested in actual science. The bad news is that we’re all but certain to end up with a […]
January 28, 2013 – 8:56 am
And who should regulate those Rights afforded to The People? The Government, of course! (Daily Caller) Following a public policy meeting of African-American leaders, National Urban League president Marc Morial and National Action Network president Al Sharpton called for a new national assault weapons ban, saying the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution should be […]
January 21, 2013 – 3:04 pm
Shameless #dirtyweather is the new norm: bit.ly/WkfknA — Al Gore (@algore) January 21, 2013 That link goes to his own blog Extreme weather is the new norm: “Around the world, extreme has become the new commonplace. Especially lately. China is enduring its coldest winter in nearly 30 years. Brazil is in the grip of a […]
January 11, 2013 – 7:54 am
When conservatives talk about responsible spending and limited government, this is an example of what we’re talking about. It’s also a good example of Government being in the business of propaganda (Daily Caller) A taxpayer-funded computer game produced by Spelman College features a black female protagonist battling the evil forces of climate change and gender […]
January 4, 2013 – 7:33 pm
Well, hey, the EPA already thinks that CO2, a trace gas necessary for life is a pollutant, why not deem water a pollutant? (Fox News) Virginia officials scored a key victory Thursday in their battle with the Environmental Protection Agency over what EPA critics describe as a land takeover. U.S. District Judge Liam O’Grady in […]
January 2, 2013 – 6:34 am
If you’ll remember, The Journal News published a Google map containing the names and addresses of those in 2 NY counties who have handgun permits. This was purely done in an attempt to shame and expose those who expressed their 2nd Amendment rights. Of course, what it did was tell criminals which homes they should […]