December 22, 2012 – 8:43 am
If there was a media that was interested in exposing facts instead of pushing a political position, someone might actually ask Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel “how’s that current gun ban working?” (WGNtv) Gun violence is a daily occurence for mayors across the Chicago area and the state of Illinois, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is leading […]
December 19, 2012 – 8:35 am
One has to love the hypocrisy of a big corporation which uses armed security guards being so anti-gun for everyone else. And they are apparently going to make sure they keep pushing the anti-gun meme, from the employees who write opinions to those writing letters. No opposing opinions are allowed in Liberal World Taking Steps […]
December 12, 2012 – 4:10 pm
Perhaps they should have read the bill before voting for it. Byron York reports Sixteen Democratic senators who voted for the Affordable Care Act are asking that one of its fundraising mechanisms, a 2.3 percent tax on medical devices scheduled to take effect January 1, be delayed. Echoing arguments made by Republicans against Obamacare, the […]
December 11, 2012 – 9:12 am
There was a time when Warmists said “weather is not climate! Yeaaaarrrrrrg!” Now, because fewer and fewer are buying into what they push (which they themselves refuse to act on, as witnessed by the yearly working vacations in exotic locations which produced tens of millions of tons of CO2), they have now moved on to […]
December 8, 2012 – 8:28 am
As I’ve written multiple times, I really couldn’t care less one way or the other about marijuana: I don’t smoke it, have no plans to smoke it, and, really, it is a much less dangerous drug than alcohol. I’d prefer they not smoke it in public, a contact high is not in my daily plans. […]
December 7, 2012 – 9:07 am
Remember, there is no war on Christmas. It doesn’t exist. Liberals keep telling us this. It’s supposed to be a fiction created by Fox, excuse me, Faux News (Daily Caller) The Hawaii Department of Education canceled a beloved annual Christmas concert by the Moanalua High School orchestra only four days before the event, following legal […]
December 5, 2012 – 7:42 am
It’s that time of the year when Warmists start trotting out their stories linking Christmas and globull warming. Perhaps George Soros funded Think Progress should ask the Obama’s, who have 54 Christmas trees Global Warming Is Behind The Real War On Christmas It’s that time of year when Fox News and other conservative media outlets […]
November 27, 2012 – 8:30 am
Simply because they’re liberals, Joe (Daily Caller) On his Monday broadcast, MSNBC “Morning Joe†host attempted to understand a phenomenon that not only plagues his network’s primetime lineup, but apparently his Twitter account as well: Why are liberals “angry†after winning the White House again and holding on to control of the U.S. Senate? Scarborough […]
November 24, 2012 – 8:05 am
#walmartstrikers remind me of Mohammed video protesters. Without the heavy weapons and RPGs, of course — WilliamTeach (@WilliamTeach) November 23, 2012 Someone asked me to explain that Tweet yesterday. Well, much like the Mohammed video “protesters” the WalMart protesters were not who you thought they were, it was not spontaneous, and they had all sorts […]
November 21, 2012 – 10:54 am
In most areas of the country, banning public nudity would be a slam dunk. Sure, most guys appreciate some nudity, but, um, generally in SF what you see aren’t pretty women heading off nude, but, old hairy men showing their dangly bits (Politico) San Francisco lawmakers disappointed committed nudists Tuesday by narrowly approving a ban […]