Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Liberals Rather Upset Over The Way Romney Talks To Obama

Dare we say that Romney is a raaaaacist? Two from the Blaze Comedian D.L. Hughley appeared on Current’s “Joy Behar: Say Anything!” on Wednesday, where he issued a scathing assessment of Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s performance at the second presidential debate. In addition to claiming that he has a “tremendous amount of disdain” for the […]

Michelle O: Hey, Reach Out To Those Knuckleheads In Your Life, Get Them To Vote

Perhaps she should reach out to the knuckleheads who failed to follow what was going on in Libya, a country that was recently under air attack by the US military. Perhaps she should reach out to the knuckleheads who failed to bother with any security briefings and conversations with their national security team before jetting […]

Good Grief: Obama Zombies Plan “Million Muppet March”

Do they even know that Big Bird isn’t technically a Muppet? (Reuters) Plans to save Big Bird, the fuzzy yellow character on U.S. public television’s “Sesame Street,” from possible extinction are taking shape in the form of a puppet-based protest next month dubbed the “Million Muppet March.” The demonstration is planned for November 3 at […]

Pelosi Advises Biden To Focus On “Lady Parts” During Debate

Economy in stagnation, foreign policy melting down, unemployment and underemployment high, etc and so on, and ex-Queen Pelosi is worrying about Lady Parts (The Hill) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is urging Vice President Biden to focus on women in Thursday’s night’s upcoming debate with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the GOP’s vice-presidential hopeful. “I […]

Dianne Feinstein Wants Investigation of High California Gas Prices

Here we go again. One would think a sitting US Senator would understand some market economics (and the fact that Ca. regulations and taxes artificially inflate the prices), or would at least have someone explain it to her. Alas, no (Boston Herald) The average price in the state hit $4.668, according to AAA. Sen. Dianne […]

Chris Matthews Loses It Post Debate

I’m not going to bother with a long debate wrap-up, since this is a crosspost. John Hawkins (and many others) have done a fine, fine job in digesting the debate. I will say one thing: I listened to most of the debate on the radio, and it was somewhat like the Nixon-Kennedy debate, where those […]

Banning Abortion Is Now, Apparently, Racism

It was only a matter of time before some uber-leftist linked abortion (which is apparently the primary focus of the DNC) with raaaaacism. In this case, it’s Brian Fung at the Atlantic The Quiet Racism of Abortion Bans Like prohibitions on other goods and services, an abortion ban of the kind national conservatives propose would […]

Chapel Hill Pulls Anti-Israel Ad, But Not Because It’s Anti-Israel

In the enlightened People’s Republic Of Chapel Hill, being anti-Israel is the norm, but, God Gaia help you if the government mandate contact info is missing (WRAL) A political advertisement calling for the end of U.S. aid to Israel that was posted inside Chapel Hill buses has been pulled, but town officials say it’s not […]

Fish Wrap Pushes Carbon Tax

I always find it amusing that Leftists, who are primarily the people pushing the climate change hoax, tend to always think that taxes are the solution. In this case, the NY Times pushes a carbon tax, rather than suggesting that all Warmists should practice what they preach. Warmists do not want to have their own […]

RNC Protester Arrested With Machete

The crazies are already being arrested with all sorts of weapons and anarchist apparel (Bay News) A Republican National Convention protestor was arrested while he allegedly carried a machete strapped to his leg, according to deputies. According to Hillsborough County Sheriff’s officials, Jason T. Wilson, of Tallahassee, was arrested as he walked in the RNC […]

Pirate's Cove