October 31, 2012 – 9:02 am
Funny stuff, via Mary Katherine Hamm (San Fran Chronicle) There’s no shortage of their kind in the politically bluest parts of California. Liberals so freaked out about the prospect of President Obama losing his re-election bid that they can’t sleep at night. Can’t talk about anything else. Can’t stop parsing the latest polls. For the […]
October 25, 2012 – 8:27 am
At one point, the Netroots, the bloggers and such on the Left, were a major force within the Democrat Party. That was a time when George W. Bush was in office, and Democrats wanted that cool, sweet money and support from people who intentionally decided to see how crazy they could be. Who constantly referred […]
October 24, 2012 – 1:52 pm
Organizing for America wants all their peeps to push out Obama’s marvelous, stupendous, world changing, er, miniscule 5 page plan (6 if you count the cover page) to all the people they no longer want to be friends with. On the 5th page they used the…..Air Force symbol, which, I guess they can sort of […]
October 24, 2012 – 11:02 am
I read this David Roberts piece over at Grist the other day, but, I missed an important part. Fortunately, Steven Goddard points it out. Roberts starts out with  Watch this absolutely extraordinary video from the 1988 vice presidential debate, dug up by Brad Johnson of Forecast the Facts: This is from 1988 — 24 years […]
October 20, 2012 – 8:24 am
We’ll file this one somewhere between “good grief” and “Joe’s off his meds again”, not “this guy is a bat guano insane” (The Blaze) At a campaign event Friday afternoon in Florida, Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bill Nelson took the stage to a cheering crowd. They were being introduced by a Florida resident […]
October 18, 2012 – 2:31 pm
Via Twitchy A sense of humor. Always a winner. MT @thehill: Michelle Obama: President ‘didn’t point fingers, didn’t place blame’ during first term — Ewan Watt (@ewancwatt) October 18, 2012 From that link to The Hill “See, but your president, he didn’t point fingers,†Mrs. Obama said, at a campaign fundraiser in New York. “He […]
October 18, 2012 – 11:08 am
Dare we say that Romney is a raaaaacist? Two from the Blaze Comedian D.L. Hughley appeared on Current’s “Joy Behar: Say Anything!†on Wednesday, where he issued a scathing assessment of Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s performance at the second presidential debate. In addition to claiming that he has a “tremendous amount of disdain†for the […]
October 16, 2012 – 8:49 am
Perhaps she should reach out to the knuckleheads who failed to follow what was going on in Libya, a country that was recently under air attack by the US military. Perhaps she should reach out to the knuckleheads who failed to bother with any security briefings and conversations with their national security team before jetting […]
October 13, 2012 – 8:35 am
Do they even know that Big Bird isn’t technically a Muppet? (Reuters) Plans to save Big Bird, the fuzzy yellow character on U.S. public television’s “Sesame Street,” from possible extinction are taking shape in the form of a puppet-based protest next month dubbed the “Million Muppet March.” The demonstration is planned for November 3 at […]
October 10, 2012 – 4:21 pm
Economy in stagnation, foreign policy melting down, unemployment and underemployment high, etc and so on, and ex-Queen Pelosi is worrying about Lady Parts (The Hill) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is urging Vice President Biden to focus on women in Thursday’s night’s upcoming debate with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the GOP’s vice-presidential hopeful. “I […]