Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Good Grief: Liberals Complain That NBC Aired Raaaaacist Commercial

There’s lots of things one can complain about regarding the XXX Summer Games (snort). Most have seen the spectacular fail from NBC, no point in rehashing it. But, seriously? Did NBC Just Air A Racist Commercial? After Gabby Douglas won the gold and Bob Costas spoke about how amazing this was for the first African-American […]

Hot Rumor: Marilyn Monroe Might Have Been A Lesbian

Gee, if only she was around to confirm the rumors. Alas, since she died 40 years ago, she has no way to either confirm or defend, so liberals have no problem making allegations (HuffPo) She might have been one of the world’s premier sex symbols, but Marilyn Monroe was plagued with well-documented personal insecurities — […]

Whiny President Whines About People Talking About Him As He Talks About Other People

Quick, someone get the Waaaaaa-mbulance. Or the Hypocrisy Mobile (Politico) President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he’s losing his patience over the Republican attacks aimed at his “you didn’t build that” comment. “I have to tell you, I generally have patience with what the other side says about me, that’s a requirement of this job,” […]

97% Of Greenland Ice Sheet Melts: Everybody Panic!!!!! (Every 150 Years)

Via a Memeorandum pull, the Guardian, along with many mouth breathing moonbats, are screaming about doom and gloom Greenland ice sheet melted at unprecedented rate during July We’re doomed. Or something The Greenland ice sheet melted at a faster rate this month than at any other time in recorded history, with virtually the entire ice […]

Crazy People Want Federal Investigation Into Sugary Drinks

Looks like Nanny Bloomberg opened a big can of worms nannies with his call for limiting the size of sugary drinks (Treehugger) A group of almost 100 national and local health, medical, and consumer organizations, plus a handful of municipal public health departments and more than 20 prominent individuals are calling on the Surgeon General […]

Obama: “Hey, If Only I Was A Better Story Teller…”

Good grief (via Allahpundit) (CBS News) President Obama’s biggest mistake during his first term, he told CBS News in an exclusive interview, has been putting policy over storytelling. “When I think about what we’ve done well and what we haven’t done well,” the president said, “the mistake of my first term – couple of years […]

Restaurant Investigated For Offering Church Members Discounts

This is un-freaking-believable….or maybe not so unbelievable in today’s America. Todd Starnes reports (Fox News) A family-owned restaurant in Pennsylvania is under a state discrimination investigation for offering a ten percent discount for diners who present a church bulletin on Sundays. The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission confirmed there is an investigation against Prudhomme’s Lost Cajun […]

Obama Uses Military Naturalization Ceremony To Push DREAM Act

Pathetic, just pathetic. (NMP) Obama can’t even let this fine folks have their day without turning it political (NY Times) President for half the country Obama for a fourth straight Fourth of July joined with military families to eat barbecue and watch fireworks from the White House lawn, but this year he also began the […]

Nancy Pelosi Flounders Over Brian Terry’s Name During Holder Contempt Hearing

The question is, did she really not know his name well, or did she simply botch her reading of the speech? Via Newsbusters comes this video of Pelosi speaking during the Eric Holder contempt vote NANCY PELOSI: I think we all also agree, I think we all very, very much agree that we are very […]

Waxman Blames Climate Change For Colorado Wildfires, Debby Doing Florida

You just knew someone was going to do this (The Hill) Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) seized on the portion of the decision that upheld EPA’s “endangerment finding” that greenhouse gases are a threat to human health and welfare. Waxman, the top Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee, called the decision a “resounding victory for […]

Pirate's Cove