Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Joe Biden: My Parents Always Believed I Could Be Vice President

The Blaze covers Biden’s angry and unhinged rant in Ohio, and pulls out this amusing quote My mother believed and my father believed, that if I wanted president of the United States, I could be, I could be vice president. [Actual quote as it was delivered] The gift that keeps on giving (around the 51 […]

Team Obama Doesn’t Like It When Protesters Occupy An Obama Campaign Office

The group involved was not actually Occupy Chicago or another cities Occupy group, however they used similar tactics to Occupy and other left leaning groups. And the group involved, while pushing Catholic teachings, tends more to lean towards social justice and “communitarianism“. They are anti-capitalism and believe “From each according to his ability, to each […]

Bill Clinton Comes Out Against Amendment 1

Remember when ex-presidents faded away after their term of office? Remember when people who cheated on their spouse multiple times wouldn’t opine about marriage? (Washington Post) Former President Bill Clinton has recorded an audio advertisement opposing North Carolina’s proposed constitutional amendment that would define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. I […]

About Those Heartland Billboards That Made The Warmists Insane..

Yesterday, we saw the Heartland Institute put up a series of billboards, like this Heartland took them down after the resulting freakout from Warmists, and had this to say “This provocative billboard was always intended to be an experiment. And after just 24 hours the results are in: It got people’s attention. “This billboard was […]

Liberals Target Fox’s Broadcast Licenses

On one hand, liberals think burning the American flag and pooping on police cars is “free speech”. On the other, if someone broadcasts things they don’t like, shut them down. They’d make Hugo Chavez, Stalin, Mao, and Hitler very proud (Guardian) A Washington-based ethics watchdog is calling on federal regulators to revoke News Corporation’s 27 […]

Obama To Spike Osama Football Live From Afghanistan

Can you really blame him? He jas nothing else to run on. However, it’s a damned shame that he’s taken a great American accomplishment and turned it into a campaign slogan (via Hot Air) (USA Today) President Obama made a surprise night visit to Afghanistan on Tuesday, signing a new security agreement and preparing to […]

E.J. Dionne: Romney’s Economic Plans Are Radical Because They Don’t Include Goverment

In Liberal World, the only entity that can truly make the economy grow is The Government Romney’s principled, radical view for America It turns out that there is at least one question on which Mitt Romney is not a flip-flopper: He has a utopian view of what an unfettered, lightly taxed market economy can achieve. […]

Obama Admin. Proposes Rule That Stops Farm Kids From Performing Chores

The Lonely ConservativeI was really hoping this was an article from The Onion, alas, no, it’s real news (Daily Caller) A proposal from the Obama administration to prevent children from doing farm chores has drawn plenty of criticism from rural-district member of Congress. But now it’s attracting barbs from farm kids themselves. The Department of […]

MSNBC’s Bashir Suggests Romney Not Drinking Alcohol Could Put Country In Jeopardy

Of course, having a president who was uniquely unqualified for the position, as Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden told us, one who has seen historic long term 8%+ unemployment, record debt and deficits, record spending with no reward, wasted billions on failed green companies, wasted $800 billion on his failed Stimulus, has annoyed our allies, […]

Washington Post: Toss The All Volunteer Military

Welcome to Ãœber Liberal World! (Washington Post) Our lives are cluttered with unnecessary traditions, ideas and institutions. Warm weather came early this year, but there’s still time for a good spring cleaning. After purging old receipts, broken appliances and unloved outfits, what else should we toss? Outlook asked 10 writers what they thought we’d be […]

Pirate's Cove