Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Sorry, Stoners, Looks Like Obama’s Not On Your Side For Marijuana Legalization

Two points to start out: first, I could personally care less about legalization of marijuana for medical use or complete legalization (with certain regulations such as age controls), as I do not use it. But, from my classical liberalism point of view, smoking it doesn’t hurt other people, and, if it doesn’t hurt other people, […]

Romney’s “Obama Isn’t Working” Is Raaaaacism

What else could it be? Excitable Tommy Christopher Mitt Romney’s ‘Obama Isn’t Working’ Banner Evokes Racial Stereotypes Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney rolled out a new accessory at a speech in Ohio today, delivering his remarks in front of a black banner that said “Obama Isn’t Working,” which is also the name of a […]

Michelle Obama Tries Out Some Recycled Messianic Campaign Blather

A slip of the tongue, or a preview of what’s to come? Will Obama’s Greek Temple be upgraded to Mount Olympus? (Politico) First lady Michelle Obama hit the campaign trail in Nashville on Tuesday and told a packed crowd in a downtown office building that the campaign has an “amazing story to tell.” “This President […]

Bev Perdue To Reporters Regarding Dem Sexual Harassment Scandal: “Get Over It”

I’ve been somewhat remiss in covering the North Carolina Democrat sexual harassment issue, but, hey, can’t ignore the idiocy from our esteemed Governor Bev Perdue (who also “joked” about doing away with the 2012 elections) (Daily Caller) During the heated exchange with reporters, Perdue claimed her constituents don’t care about sexual harassment cases like this […]

DWS Whines About Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent said something crazy (shocking!), and Debbie Downer had this to say in response (CNN) Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz criticized Romney and the Republican Party for not pushing back on Nugent’s comments, which she said were “despicable, deplorable and completely beyond the pale.” She also sent out an email to […]

Obama To Offer New “Oil Manipulation” Plan

He also recommends you check your tire pressure to reduce your gas usage (USA Today) President Obama, facing political problems over high gas prices, will announce a plan today “to increase oversight and crack down on manipulation in oil markets,” the White House announced. “At a time when American consumers are feeling pain at the […]

DNC Advisor Hilary Rosen Insults Ann Romney, Freaks Out When Confronted

Democrats keep beating the drum of their faux “GOP war on women” by…..insulting stay at home moms (ABC News) Ann Romney’s debut on Twitter couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. Ann’s first tweet came just moments after Democratic strategist and DNC adviser Hilary Rosen lobbed an insult at Ann Romney, suggesting that the […]

Obama Starts Off Women’s Forum By Patronizing Them

Here’s your Smartest President Evah!!!!1!!! (Washington Times) President Obama’s conference on women got off to an awkward start Friday when Mr. Obama seemed to play on some throwback stereotypes about women lacking professional decorum in his opening remarks. “I was going to head over here earlier, and they said, no, no, this place is full […]

Warmists Suggest Peeing In The Shower To Save Gaia

No, the article wasn’t written by Sheryl “One Sheet” Crow, but our favorite Greenie Pig, who also learned not that long ago that living the “carbon neutral” lifestyle was hard work, really sucked, and generally failed. But, she has some other ideas on how to regulate your bathroom functions (Grist) You guys, I just can’t […]

Here We Go: “Being Uninsured Is A Mandate, Too”

It seems that, in Democrat World, the fact that the majority of American citizens are dead set against the individual mandate, and Obamacare, matters little, because Democrats know what is best for you stupid citizens, and you should be thanking them for forcing you to either purchase health insurance or pay a fine. Dem supporters […]

Pirate's Cove