April 3, 2012 – 4:46 pm
Apparently, liberals want us all to be as miserable as they are (Washington Post) The happier you are, the better, right? Not necessarily. Studies show that there is a darker side to feeling good and that the pursuit of happiness can sometimes make you . . . well, less happy. Too much cheerfulness can make you gullible, […]
March 31, 2012 – 8:43 am
Can we finally put to rest that liberals support the military? Remember all the talking points about “we support the military, not the mission”? Yeah, not so much (Fox News) Katy Perry transforms herself into a U.S. Marine in her latest power-pop single, “Part of Me,” which addresses female empowerment and pays particular tribute to […]
March 30, 2012 – 8:11 am
The Stateists are really, really worried about the fate of ObamaCare. They’ve already started throwing around blame and coming up with excuses, said excuses not including “hey, it was unconstitutional” and “people really, really hated the Mandate.” And they’ve also decided to push something else if Obamacare goes down. Witness Eugene Robinson In arguments before […]
March 9, 2012 – 9:22 am
In case you missed it, the WP’s Alexandra Petri wrote on the 7th Advertisers learned something about Rush Limbaugh’s demographic this week. “Here we thought lots of pleasant, upstanding people were listening to and enjoying the rational things Rush had to say,†dozens of companies said. “Apparently not.†It turns out that people who really, […]
March 8, 2012 – 7:57 pm
It’s lengths that Volt fanboys will go to defend this POS…..well, except purchase one for themselves (EV World) The five-week shutdown of the Volt production line is a good thing for plug-in vehicles because it will help align production with demand and keep GM’s revenue on the vehicles higher and fund ongoing vehicle development. Here’s […]
March 8, 2012 – 3:14 pm
Via Tom Nelson, whose headline was better “Bummer: Women allegedly can’t run fast enough to escape the alleged dangers of carbon dioxide” (Green Fudge)….wait, Green Fudge? It’s probably because I’m writing this in the a.m. for posting later, but, that brings a disturbingly disgusting image to mind…..anyhow ……. While the cumulative effects of rising global […]
March 6, 2012 – 4:44 pm
Yes, if course we are talking about the uber fashionable and rarely purchased Chevy Meltdown, er, Volt (MSNBC) It’s been a tough year for the Chevrolet Volt, General Motors’ once-celebrated plug-in hybrid. But perhaps it’s about to see its fortunes turn as a jury of Continental motoring journalists declare Volt and its Opel Ampera sibling […]
March 5, 2012 – 8:44 am
I really thought Sunday’s post regarding Rush’s apology would be the last (and only) post on the topic, as, really this whole thing is cheap theater designed to deflect from Obama’s horrible record. I’m surprised Team Obama didn’t wait till closer to the actual election to trot the issue out. And, let’s face it, Rush […]
March 4, 2012 – 3:52 pm
We had a showdown of asshole versus asshole Saturday in Duluth White power — the kind that falls in flakes from the sky — would have done a fine job rendering the Supreme White Alliance irrelevant Saturday before Occupy Duluth handed them just about all they could ask for. For no good reason, Occupy Duluth […]
February 26, 2012 – 2:59 pm
Can you guess what’s missing from this breathless HuffPo screed? Sometimes people question whether or not Climate Change is real. After viewing the feature documentary, Chasing Ice, I can assure you that the debate is over. On Monday, January 23, 2012 –Chasing Ice, had its world premiere at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival featuring documentary […]