Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Obama Thinks You’re Stupid: Pushes Algae For Fuel

He does, he really does (Via The Lonely Conservative) (Washington Examiner) President Obama admitted today that he does not have a “silver bullet” solution for skyrocketing gas prices, but he proposed alternative energy sources such as “a plant-like substance, algae” as a way of cutting dependence on oil by 17 percent. “We’re making new investments […]

John Glenn Uses 50th Anniversary Of 1st Space Flight To….Attack Bush

Sad, really (Telegraph) Fifty years after Glenn’s groundbreaking flight on Feb 20, 1962, the former senator said he regrets that ignoble end of the heated space race that captivated the world in the second half of the 20th century. “I regret that that is the way things have developed,” Glenn told a crowd at the […]

Useful Idiots Launch Anti-Iran War Protests

I guess we could term this a pre-protest, since President Bush, er, Obama, isn’t even at the stage of threatening war against Iran (WTVD Raleigh) Rising tensions with Iran spawned anti-war protests in the Triangle. About two dozen protesters gathered outside the federal courthouse in downtown Raleigh Friday. The protesters in Raleigh joined people in […]

Oh Noes: Globull Warming Harms Baby Seals, Makes Them Break Into Homes

Who couldn’t love an animal like this? Isn’t he cute? Don’t you just want to hug him and kiss him and take him home where you can make Seal Flipper Pie or Seal Meat Hash? Well, sucks to be you, because baby harp seals are apparently being killed off by globull warming Climate change spares […]

Why, Yes, Charlotte Did Need A Hazmat Crew After Removing The Occupiers

I’m shocked! (Charlotte Observer) Charlotte-Mecklenburg police returned to the Occupy Charlotte site before daybreak Tuesday, awakening and evicting several protesters who were sleeping on the lawn of the old City Hall overnight. And over to the Charlotte Observer’s blog (kinda sad they are using Blogspot) The Fire Department’s hazardous materials team was called out to […]

Obama SOTU 2012: An America Built To Last Like A Chevy Volt

OK, I’ll admit, I only watched about 5 minutes of Obama’s SOTU speech. I’d been watching the NJ Devils lose in OT, and inadvertently hit the recall button on the remote, which took me to Fox News. A few minutes in, I decided that I really didn’t want to attend an Obama campaign speech, so, […]

AGW Today: TV Meteorologists Are Apparently “Conspiracy Theorists”

I told you the other day about a new liberal fatwa against meteorologists because they aren’t following the doctrines of the Cult Of Gore. To recap (WCTV) A new campaign, Forecast the Facts (, launches Sunday to pressure TV meteorologists to inform their viewers about climate change. The launch coincides with the kick-off of the […]

Donna Edwards (D-Maryland) To Take Polar Bear Plunge For Climate Change Hoax

Shockingly, DelmarvaNow! fails to mention Donna is a Democrat. I guess they don’t want people to think Democrats are complete idiots Maryland congresswoman Donna Edwards plans to plunge into the chilly waters of the Potomac River to urge the U.S. Congress to take action to deal with climate change. Edwards spokesman Dan Weber says Edwards […]

Shocker: Alarmist Now Trying To Force Their Religion On Meteorologists

If the science was so damned sound, Warmists would not have to stoop to the following (WCTV) A new campaign, Forecast the Facts (, launches Sunday to pressure TV meteorologists to inform their viewers about climate change. The launch coincides with the kick-off of the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) annual meeting in New Orleans, LA. […]

Grist: What Would Dr. Seuss Say About Climate Change?

Well, my first guess would be something like “I do not like green crack and Meth, I do not like them beth I am.” Or, perhaps “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells” (that one is a straight quote) (Grist) Late last year, I wrote about the dominance of the tragic “Lorax narrative” […]

Pirate's Cove