Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

#Irony: Obama To Give Acceptance Speech At Bank Of America Stadium

I’m sure the Carolina Panthers are thrilled knowing their stadium will be trashed (Charlotte Observer) On the final night of this fall’s Democratic National Convention, President Barack Obama will deliver his acceptance speech at Bank of America stadium, party sources told the Observer on Monday night. Will all the little liberals and Occupiers who hate […]

MSDNC Hack: “This Economic Recovery Best Evah!!!!!!!”

A preview of the 90% liberal media general election talking points? (National Review) In what is sure to be a staple of Democratic talking-points heading into the general election, former Democratic congressional staffer turned MSNBC talking head Julian Epstein argued that President Obama “has turned around an economy,” and that “that kind of economic turnaround, […]

Bummer: “Chamber Of Commerce Pushes Civilization Ending Pollution Agenda”

Warmists like Brad Johnson are so cute when they are at their most deranged. And, yes, that is the exact headline in quotation marks. Think Progress’ is almost the same (Grist, and crossed at Think Progress Green) Thursday morning, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue argued that “free enterprise” requires a future of accelerated, […]

Doomsday Clock Moves To 5 Minutes, Partly Due To Climate Change Hoax

If only the Warmists would practice what they preach, it wouldn’t be an issue (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists) It is five minutes to midnight. Two years ago, it appeared that world leaders might address the truly global threats that we face. In many cases, that trend has not continued or been reversed. For that […]

Newt Then And Now

Via the Democratic Underground, which links the photo to an article at Talking Points Memo entitled Newt Goes Full ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Against Romney Apparently, Newt is in full scorched earth mode, where he now doesn’t care about getting Obama out of office, he just wants to destroy Romney. Allahpundit has audio of Rush Limbaugh […]

Eugene Robinson: Extreme Rick Santorum Shouldn’t Be Let Near White House

One thing that I have missed during the King Obama years has been the truly unhinged lefties being unhinged. They were a lot more fun when Bush was president, but, hey, with the 2012 silly season in full swing, they are coming out of the woodwork (Washington Post) Before there was the Tea Party to […]

“Climate Change Castaways” Have Long Years To Wait

This story jumped up and hit me when I took my morning perusal of Memeorandum, seeing what the big stories of the day are, so, I didn’t have to hunt around for an unhinged Warmist story (Sydney Morning Herald) THE President of what could be the first country in the world lost to climate change […]

51% See #Occupy As A Nuisance

Rasmussen Enough is enough as far as most voters are concerned when it comes to the Occupy Wall Street protesters.  In fact, 51% of Likely U.S. Voters now view the protesters as a public nuisance. Only 39% see them as a valid protest movement representing the frustrations of most Americans. The latest Rasmussen Reports national […]

We’re Saved! Globull Warming Play Brings Awareness

It’s a good thing we have people to tell us these things CLIMATE change was supposed to be ”the greatest moral challenge of our time”, as the former prime minister Kevin Rudd put it, but it was pigeon excrement that caused headaches for Nigel Jamieson. Inspired by the 2009 Copenhagen climate change conference, Jamieson’s As […]

68 Occupiers Arrested On New Year’s Eve At Zuccotti Park

Hey, they just wanted to make some mayhem and assault the symbol of the new year (USA Today) Dozens of Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested on New Year’s Eve as they tore down barricades surrounding New York City’s Zuccotti Park, the former home of their encampment that was dismantled several weeks ago. About 500 […]

Pirate's Cove