December 31, 2011 – 9:09 am
I’m sure the irony is completely lost on the little cultists Maine’s largest conservation advocacy organization is using the frosty ocean waters to raise money in the name of global warming. The Natural Resources Defense Council’s annual Polar Bear Plunge raises money to support the group’s work to reduce pollution it says contributes to global […]
December 27, 2011 – 8:50 am
This story also highlights what miserable, negative people Democrats are (USA Today) The first thing South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley wants people to hear when they call a state agency is a cheery “It’s a great day in South Carolina! How may I help you?” That mandated greeting is rubbing a pair of Democratic […]
December 23, 2011 – 3:24 pm
Personally, I’m rather surprised that the 90% Democrat voting media is even paying attention to the issues that surround Ron Paul. I figured they would want him as the GOP nominee, the better to wipe the GOP off the map. The Politico has 6 comments Ronulan needs to answer, and they aren’t even about his […]
December 21, 2011 – 12:38 pm
Hey, that’s my take-away from the view on the front page (actual story here) Imagine had a Conservative posted this-they’d be accused of sexism and wanting to push women’s liberation back to the 1700’s. Heck, they even mention grandma in the kitchen cooking. But, hey, women have to get back in the kitchen to make […]
December 15, 2011 – 8:37 am
It’s been quite a long time since I’ve seen anything by Excitable Andy linked at Memeorandum. Since his move to The Daily Beast from The Atlantic he has been pretty much ignored, as well as ignored by the right-o-sphere. If he’s been writing about Sarah Palin’s womb, no one’s playing anymore. But, he jumped up […]
December 14, 2011 – 7:54 am
Remember: “It’s For Your Own Good. We Know What Is Best For You. We Are Your Betters.” (Washington Post) The National Transportation Safety Board recommended Tuesday that all states and the District ban cellphone use behind the wheel, becoming the first federal agency to call for an outright prohibition on telephone conversations while driving. Distracted […]
December 9, 2011 – 7:38 am
Obama should stick with talking about how to campaign, something he knows about, and leave the economic talks to people who are more qualified. Like 4th graders (Washington Examiner) President Obama said that he will delay his vacation and keep Congress in session until the passage of his desired payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits […]
December 7, 2011 – 1:50 pm
You want to be an Atheist? Fine. That’s your choice. You want to put up some sort of seasonal display? OK, Free Speech and all. But, is there any reason for you to be abusive? (MSNBC) The skeleton in a Santa suit didn’t survive for long outside the Loudoun County courthouse lawn, but it generated […]
December 6, 2011 – 12:46 pm
Apparently, OWS hasn’t heard of those extra long shirts that stops plumber’s crack That’s the cropped version of the photo (by AP) that the Politico is running to accompany their story The Occupy Wall Street movement, joined by members of a range of (Leftist) community and labor groups, are taking their grievances to Capitol Hill […]
December 5, 2011 – 8:31 am
If there is one article that the unshowered and squatting in their own filth Occupiers and their supposed supporters should read, it is this one from The Politico Wall Street is disdained in the court of public opinion — detested by the tea party on the right and the Occupy movement on the left. The […]