December 4, 2011 – 8:11 am
This isn’t quite as fun as the number of liberals who needed therapy for PEST (post election selection trauma) after Bush beat Waffles Kerry in the 2004 election, what with all the ones who couldn’t get out of bed for days, couldn’t work, and/or went to see professional mental health workers who were just as […]
December 3, 2011 – 5:13 pm
Just like the Tea Party, you know! (Hartford Courant) Police said they had received an anonymous call from South Chapel and Main Street Thursday reporting a sex assault that took place at the Occupy Hartford camp at Broad Street and Farmington Avenue. When the victim was located, she told police she had been inappropriately kissed […]
December 2, 2011 – 1:00 pm
Shockingly, they offer no answers We have been captives of corrupt economic and political systems for far too long. The concentration of wealth and the purchase of political power stifle the voices of the increasingly disenfranchised 99 percent. Corporate dominance subverts democracy, intentionally sows division, destroys the environment, obstructs the just and equitable pursuit of […]
December 1, 2011 – 8:26 am
Now that so many liberal mayors in liberal cities have kicked the liberals out of the parks, at least in terms of sleeping overnight in tents, Occupy is supposedly getting specific, according to ABC News For more than two months, they were open-air communes where people came to rebuild society and start a nationwide discussion […]
November 30, 2011 – 9:54 pm
Let’s see: evil Conservative Tea Party members=cleaner than when they got there. Super awesome Earth friendly liberal Occupiers= (LA Times) Sanitation officials said Wednesday that they expect to haul away 30 tons of debris from the Occupy L.A. encampment –- everything from clothing to heaps of garbage to oddball curiosities left behind by the protesters […]
November 29, 2011 – 9:55 am
So, 20,000 politicians, bureaucrats, and actors took unnecessary fossil fueled flights to one of the furthest points on the map….sorry, I was going to try and tell a joke, but, the lead is the punchline. Anyhow (The New Age) Climate change at face value may seem to have nothing to do with gender-based violence. But […]
November 26, 2011 – 8:44 am
The Washington Post’s headline is actually Why blacks aren’t embracing Occupy Wall, but, it might as well have asked why the Occupiers are 98.4% pale faces Occupy Wall Street might seem like a movement that would resonate with black Americans. After all, unemployment among African Americans is at 15 percent, vs. almost 8 percent for […]
November 25, 2011 – 8:33 am
That’s right, the Occupiers have yet another wonderful idea designed to tick people off (The Spec) The yurts are barely dismantled and the tents only just rolled up, but there is already a new movement on the horizon — Occupy Christmas. Canadian magazine Adbusters — which prompted the Occupy Wall Street camp and subsequent set-ups […]
November 23, 2011 – 9:33 am
A virtual potpourri of fun stuff from the Occutards. I couldn’t determine which to focus on, so, here are all three, starting with the Occupier who said she miscarried and sent the Left into apoplexy, despite the fact that there was no proof, and she was arrested for breaking and entering. Yeah, about that A […]
November 22, 2011 – 9:26 am
Tina Dupuy over at The Atlantic notices something funny During the very first week of the Occupation in LA I noticed that the gender breakdown in its General Assembly (GA) and various committee meetings was roughly the same as the within the U.S. Congress. In other words, about one-fifth of those who were participating in […]