Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Mostly Peaceful Bay Area Occupiers “Aren’t Going Down Without A Fight”

So, a few “targets” on a political map are “violent”, “hateful”, and “uncivil,” despite there being no follow-up violence from the Conservative side. But, threats of violence and actual violence are “mostly peaceful” (SF Gate) San Francisco and Oakland authorities moved to take greater control of the Occupy protests Sunday, raiding an offshoot of the […]

Yet Another Occupy Sexual Assault, This One In St. Louis

Sheesh, what is it about Lefties that brings out the inner beast as soon as they are camping in a park? (KMOV) A 20-year-old woman participating in the OccupySTL protest reported to police that a man sexually assaulted her while she was in her tent on November 8, three days before tents were removed by […]

Astroturfed “Grassroots” Occupy To Occupy Congress?

So they say (Washington Post) One of the enduring questions about Occupy Wall Street has been this: Can the energy unleashed by the movement be leveraged behind a concrete political agenda and push for change that will constitute a meaningful challenge to the inequality and excessive Wall Street influence highlighted by the protests? A coalition […]

San Fran Occupiers Welcome Lice And Fleas

I’d compare them to cats and dogs, but, cats and dogs don’t continuously tell us how they are uber smart (CBS San Fran) Poor sanitation and evidence of lice and fleas at the Occupy San Francisco encampment endanger the health of everyone in the overcrowded, makeshift tent city at Justin Herman Plaza, public health officials […]

Manbearpig Gets All Sciencey In Explaining Globull Warming

Al Gore digs deep into the science as he writes in his journal “When I talk with people who are skeptical about climate change science, I’m often asked: “I know global warming is happening, but how do we know humans are causing the change?” “Broadly, this question requires a two-part explanation:” “1. We know that […]

Verum Serum Offers A List Of Occupy Mayhem Sorted By Type

A quick hit that I thought deserved to be on the front page rather than the sidebar links, Verum Serum has a great list that shows what kind of mayhem the Occupiers have been involved in, such as arson, assaults, threats, etc. I’d like to see one of the Lefties put together a similar list […]

Nebulous Protest Over Wanting Free Money Plans To Disrupt NYC Today

The Left at its best: if they can’t get their way, they’re going to mess up everyone else’s day (NY Post) The Occupy Wall Streeters are about to create chaos for 99 percent of the city. In one of the largest demonstrations in recent city history, the anti-greed rabble plans to swarm the subways, take […]

Good News! Occupy Santa Cruz Has Ringworm And Scabies

Just like the Tea Party! Via OWS Exposed from Gateway Pundit (Santa Cruz Sentinel) ….Instead, they said the injunction they are seeking through a lawsuit filed last week would give them the authority to remove the campsite at a later date while they work with Occupy representatives to keep San Lorenzo Park free of drugs, […]

OWS: Trinity Church Learns No Good Dead Goes Unoccupied

When you throw your lot in with people who feel entitled, you learn there are unintended consequences (The Blaze) The Blaze has confirmed that Occupy Wall Street protesters have cut the locks on a lot owned by Trinity Church, a major landowner in Manhattan. Earlier this morning, the New York Times reported: The protesters had […]

Chapel Hill Police Found Riot Literature Prior To Assault Weapon Occupy Raid

So, lots of liberals where whining (shock!) about the Chapel Hill PD entering a building with assault rifles drawn to bust anarchists linked to the Occupy morons who had illegally broken and entered the building. But, late Monday we learned (Raleigh N&O) Town officials say they were justified in using a tactical squad of officers […]

Pirate's Cove