Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Big Liberal Mayor Of Big Liberal City Clears Big Liberals From Zuccotti Park

Looks like Mayor Bloomberg finally had enough, weeks after the people who live and work in the Zuccotti Park area of New York City had enough. The NY Times is there (probably standing far away, as they did not want to be taken for bankers in their hoity toity highfalutin power suits) Hundreds of New […]

Anarchists Linked To Occupy Movement Busted In Chapel Hill

Remember, this is just like the Tea Party, a narrative the liberal media are having a tough time sticking to as of late (Raleigh N&O) A police tactical team of more than 25 police officers arrested eight demonstrators Sunday afternoon and charged them with breaking and entering for occupying a vacant car dealership on Franklin […]

Hey, Occupiers, Don’t Forget That The Buck Stops At Obama In Clearing Terry Schrunk Plaza

Bush was blamed for everything that happened under his watch, even when it was simply some low level bureaucrat who was around forever, or a soldier who had recently joined the military. So, where does Obama’s responsibility lie? The Federal Protective Service were assisted by Portland police in clearing the nearby Terry Schrunk Plaza, a […]

Heh! “If You’re Defending Allegations Of Pooping….”

Rob Port over at Say Anything references a Huffington Post article which claims “Zuccotti Park Day 54: No Smell Of Urine Or Feces” To which Rob adds If you’re defending whether or not you smell like poop, you’re losing. I find it interesting that Michael Woods went down to Zuccotti Park and smelled around.

Portland PD Worried Occupiers Are Arming Themselves

Take this report with a grain of salt, because there is no hard proof provided in any of the multiple articles I perused (Reuters) Portland police warned on Friday that anti-Wall Street protesters in the city were fashioning makeshift weapons with wood and nails, in advance of a planned move by authorities to clear their […]

Could A SCOTUS Ruling In Favor Of The Individual Mandate Sink The Tea Party?

Elizabeth Wydra engages in a bit of fantasy over at The Politico, hoping against hope that the voices on the right will be shut down Of all the possible outcomes being tossed around as the Affordable Care Act litigation heads for Supreme Court consideration, one is usually overlooked: If the court upholds the act’s constitutionality […]

Man Shot, Killed Near Occupy Oakland

Just like during the Tea Party rallies….no? Funny, the media tended to call the Tea Party violent because people were bringing guns, in complete obeyence of the law, to the rallies. Yet, no one was shot during the rallies. We also didn’t have people pooping on cop cars, either (SF Chronicle) A young man was […]

NYPD Moves Higher Ranked Officers To Cover OWS

One would have thought the “enlightened” liberals, who always preach on about tolerance, women’s lib, respect for others, and treating others with kindness, would have been able to have a protest movement that highlights their self promoted values. Alas, no (NY Post) Send in the cavalry! The NYPD has moved three elite Manhattan homicide detectives […]

Fish Wrap Deems Most Of OWS Reports “Anecdotal”

Whew! And here I thought that all the police reports, arrests, and interviews with people both inside the Occupy movement and in the surrounding area were actually facts (NY Times) The arrest of a Crown Heights man last week on charges of sexually assaulting a protester at Zuccotti Park added to an already raucous public discussion […]

Hypocrisy Alert: OccupyOakland Puts $20K In Wells Fargo Account

The “we’re not sure what we’re really protesting but we sure don’t like Wall Street and Big Banks (who tend to hold a huge chunk of the money for union pensions)” movement in #ViolentOccupyOakland does what every liberal does: by hypocrites (SF Examiner) Last week, one or more Occupy Oakland protesters smashed the windows of […]

Pirate's Cove