Category Archives: Bat Soup Virus

Experts Start To Push Masking Again

They can piss right off Should we wear masks again? Covid guidelines experts recommend The uptick of Covid transmissions this summer has raised questions about whether or not certain safety measures such as wearing masks should be brought back. Several companies and schools nationwide decided to reinstate Covid mask mandates in light of the rising […]

Brandon Regime Contemplates “Recommending” COVID-19 Vaccines For All

Remember this? (BBC) President-elect Joe Biden says Americans won’t be forced to take a coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available in the US. Mr Biden has also reiterated his call for Americans to wear a mask for 100 days – a measure that he said combined with vaccine distribution would see deaths “drop off the […]

It Starts: Atlanta College Requires Masks

There couldn’t possibly be an ulterior motive for this, right? Atlanta’s Morris Brown College Ushers in Mask Mandate Atlanta’s Morris Brown College is re-embracing mask mandates, years after initial panic over the coronavirus. While many universities and colleges have dropped coronavirus mandates — such as vaccine requirements and mask requirements — some clearly remaining open […]

Did You Get Wuhan Flu? It Could Have Been Due To Which Arm You Got it in

Yes, yes, the Powers That Be are still trying to keep Bat Soup Virus going, though, most people are ignoring it. Few are wearing masks, no one is talking about getting a COVID shot (except Government), but, hey, the arm matters! Left or right arm: Choosing where to get vaccinated matters, study suggests. Here’s why […]

NY Times Says To Hold Off On Your 9th Wuhan Flu Booster Shot

There are still people invested in continuing COVID-19 as a big thing. Most people have abandoned the COVID cult at this point. Not many wear masks (and half of those are wearing them improperly and/or wearing a mask that makes zero difference) anymore, though I do enjoy the tweets about Tonight, I tested positive for […]

CDC Fearmongers “Tripledemic” For Winter

They just can’t help themselves in perpetuating the Doom Ready for another ‘tripledemic’? CDC prepares for a winter of ‘3 bugs out there’ Even as the nation is faced with blistering heat waves this summer, Dr. Mandy Cohen, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is already thinking ahead to cold and flu season […]

Two Week Long Chinese Coronavirus Emergency Ends Friday

It ended for most people quite some time ago, it’s mostly just government and some people who think a mask actually works who still took this seriously U.S. ends COVID-19 emergency. Here’s what that means for you President Biden has signed a GOP-authored bill declaring an end to the COVID-19 national emergency, and the president […]

Brandon Regime To Finally Lift Most Vaccine Mandates Next Week

Are people still getting the Wuhan Flu vaccines? My last one was September of 2021, and I have no intention of taking another. I probably have a photo of it, otherwise, have no clue where the card is. They really do very little US to lift most federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates next week The Biden […]

Surprise: NY Times Says Inflation Is Still Going Fast

Didn’t they tell us that inflation was transitory? That it was no big deal? Also that it had nothing to do with the terrible policies of Biden and the Democrats? (non-paywalled version here) Still Going Fast, Inflation Changes Drivers America is now two years into abnormally high inflation — and while the nation appears to […]

NY Times: Chinese Censorship On COVID-19 Is Huge, But, Definitely Not About The Origins Or Something

The NY Times seems very upset over all the censorship surrounding Wuhan Flu from the Chinese government (forgetting all the censorship from social media companies, the US government, and the NY Times) Chinese Censorship Is Quietly Rewriting the COVID-19 Story Early in 2020, on the same day that a frightening new illness officially got the […]

Pirate's Cove