Category Archives: Bat Soup Virus

COVID Forever: Health “Experts” Say It’s Time To Wear A Mask Again

Typically, these are the same people who this pronouncement while not wearing a mask. And, if they were really experts, they’d understand that viruses are small enough to get through even N95 masks It’s Time to Wear a Mask Again, Health Experts Say Masks are back, and, this time, they’re not just for COVID-19. A […]

You Too Can Be A Good Little Member Of Society By Voting, Getting Vaxxed, Supporting ‘Climate Change’ Action

These people sound fun. Essentially, they’ve turned all of life into the realm of politics (non-paywalled here) Do you want to be a good member of society? Voting, climate change efforts are a start, survey says You go to work. You pay your taxes. You vote, and you may even go to a place of […]

Los Angeles County Close To Reimposing (Worthless) Mask Mandates

Isn’t L.A. full of liberals who Obey the rules, get all their shots, and be Good Little Citizens? Why is COVID raging? Los Angeles Again Nearing Covid Thresholds For Universal Indoor Mask Mandate In Public Spaces Another 4,744 Covid infections were reported today by Los Angeles County. That’s up from 4,353 yesterday, continuing a surge […]

Twitter Allowing COVID “Misinformation” Is A Grave Risk Or Something

As we’ve seen, most of what they called misinformation turned out to be factually correct. Like when health professionals said masking most people, including kids, was unnecessary. That the vaccines wouldn’t stop people from getting COVID. That there was no reason to have anyone other than the elderly and with pre=existing conditions from isolating. And […]

Herr Fauci Totally Has An Open Mind On COVID Lab Leak

Mr. I Am The Science would have been blocked on Twitter, Facebook and other not that long ago Fauci on Covid lab leak theory: ‘I have a completely open mind’ Anthony Fauci, the retiring top official in the United States response to the Covid-19 pandemic, said Sunday he has “a completely open mind” about the […]

Vaccinated Account For Majority Of Wuhan Flu Deaths

Obviously, some caveats need be mentioned, such as not having vaccines really through 2020, and it took a while to get a large chunk vaccinated in 2021 Vaccinated Americans a majority of COVID deaths for first time in August: analysis For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, a majority of Americans dying […]

World Leaders Pushing For Chinese Coronavirus Passports

COVID is mostly over. It’s been shown, scientifically and medically, that the COVID vaccines mostly do not prevent people from getting COVID. At best, they simply keep any contagion from getting really bad. At worse, well Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (blood clots) Guillain-Barré Syndrome Myocarditis and pericarditis The CDC says these […]

Trudeau To Attempt To Justify His Anti-Freedom Truckers Emergency Orders

What, if any, consequences are there if the hearing finds that Trudeau over-stepped his use of powers? Trudeau went all in against the Freedom Convoy. This week, it’s on him to explain why. In a rare showing this week, Canada’s prime minister will publicly defend his decision to invoke never-before-used emergency powers to end a […]

Bummer: Scientists Aren’t Sure Boosters Will Prevent Another Chinese Coronavirus Wave

Wait, is the NY Times questioning the capability of the COVID vaccines? Are they vax deniers now? The vaccines and boosters did not prevent the waves in 2021. (Yahoo non-paywalled version here) Will COVID Boosters Prevent Another Wave? Scientists Aren’t So Sure. As winter looms and Americans increasingly gather indoors without masks or social distancing, […]

Interesting: Washington Post Editorial Board Is Gently Questioning COVID’s “Someone Ate A Bat” Origins

It really wasn’t all that long ago when the Washington Post was criticizing everyone who had questions on Wuhan Flu’s origins. I wonder what changed (the piece is behind the paywall, but you can try copying this link and paste in your browser, will give you a cached version) Wuhan’s early covid cases are a […]

Pirate's Cove