Category Archives: Beyond Moonbat

Bummer: There’s A Brain Drain Of Abortion Lovers Leaving Red State

Hey, if they want to go, well, bye now. Take your baby killing ways with you (behind the paywall LA Times piece here) Column: As professionals flee antiabortion policies, red states face a brain drain A few days ago, a university headhunter reached out to Elizabeth T. Jacobs, a professor of epidemiology at the University […]

Surprise: RiseUp Abortion Group Seems To Be Front For Radical Communist Group

The hell you say! Prominent Pro-Abortion Group Appears To Be Front For Radical Revolutionary Communists A prominent pro-abortion activist group downplaying its association with the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) shares significant infrastructure and leadership with the radical outfit’s other offshoot groups, a Daily Caller analysis has found. Although RiseUp4AbortionRights seems like most other pro-abortion groups […]

Abortion Supporters Upset Indiana AG To Investigate Abortion Doctor

I’ve mentioned before, there’s an old axiom about reading newspapers: you have to get your point out in 3 paragraphs or 30 seconds, and this has carried through to the Internet. It might be less now, with them working to get their message in the headline and first two paragraphs Republican AG says he’ll investigate […]

Josh Hawley Says Democrats Have Lost Their Minds After “Transphobic” Debate

Well, yes, they have lost their minds. They lost them back when George W. Bush was president, which is when the term barking moonbat came about. They were worse when Bush won in 2004. Then they started getting very weird when Obama was president, and then pure bat-guano insane with Trump as president. And even […]

Lunatic Leftist Judge Rules Many Minnesota Abortion Restrictions Are Unconstitutional

Will this now go to the Minnesota supreme court? Will pro-life Minnesotans attempt to push a vote on a constitutional amendment? You know this judge has to be a leftist, since they never mention the party affiliation. Many of his previous big rulings have leaned left and towards Big Government Minnesota judge strikes down numerous […]

Education Journal Looks To “Eradicate Whiteness”

Race relations were actually pretty good before Obama came into office, at which point things started to get bad. For most people, it really is fine. They don’t think about it that much, they don’t engage in it, they don’t talk about it. They just see another human being. But, there are some really vocal […]

Army To Require Troops To Shower With Gender Confused

We are boned if we need to get into a war, and this will further tank recruitment and retention. This was just a week ago Every branch of the military is struggling to make its 2022 recruiting goals, officials say With a record low number of Americans eligible to serve, and few of those willing […]

Unhinged Democrats Find It Hard To Be Patriotic On Independence Day

It’s weird how Democrats always seem to find a reason to hate on America every July 4th, pretty much going back to the late 60’s, but, we see a lot more of this during the Internet era ‘It’s hard to be patriotic this Independence Day’ For many, the Fourth of July is synonymous with jubilation; […]

HHS Head Becerra Super Excited To Overturn Dobbs Decision

Has anyone informed Becerra that the Dobbs decision leaves it up to the States to decide whether abortion on demand will be legal, and to what extent? Top White House official says he’s optimistic Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade will not stand long Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra on Sunday said […]

Texas Supreme Court Rules Abortion Ban Law Is Constitutional

The original death merchant judge had to know his BS ruling would crash quickly Texas can enforce 1925 abortion ban, state Supreme Court says Texas can enforce its abortion ban from 1925, the state Supreme Court ruled late Friday evening, a decision that exposes abortion providers to lawsuits and financial penalties if they continue to […]

Pirate's Cove