Category Archives: Beyond Moonbat

Florida House Votes To Do Away With Disney’s Special Governing Protection

Some Old School Republicans are saying this is just too much, but, considering that Disney’s primary audience is children, perhaps they shouldn’t take the side of those who want to teach small children very adult sexual topics, push them to be LGBT, hide what’s going on in schools from their parents, bring in drag shows […]

Michigan Groomer Seems Upset To Be Called A Groomer

She doesn’t really do anything but claim Victim status Groomer claims victim status after being called out as a groomer — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) April 21, 2022 From the article Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow pushed back in a viral speech against the growing trend of Republicans labeling their Democratic opponents as […]

USA Today Has A Sad That Conservatives Are Removing Pornagraphic Books From Schools

They say this like it’s a bad thing to keep minors from seeing pornography in government schools. Sure, the kiddies will see it elsewhere. It’s pretty easy on the Internet, of course. Back in my day we had to try and find a dirty magazine, or sneak a peek at HBO or something. Schools should […]

Yet Another Poll Shows Americans Support Florida’s Parental Rights Bill

Do you actually want to fight against parental rights and for teaching children adult sexual issues, groomers? Americans Back Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill: Golden/TIPP Poll Most Americans back Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education Bill.” A plurality also thinks it is inappropriate to call the bill the “Don’t Say Gay” law. These are the key […]

Democrats Seem Rather Upset Being Called “Groomer”

Sure, a few Beltway Boob Republicans have argued that it’s not quite proper to call them Groomers, but, really, it’s a great single word to describe what the Democrats are doing with their unhinged, insane sexual education of minors, especially those who haven’t even hit puberty yet. If they want to call the Florida bill […]

Yahoo News: It’s Curious That Only 52% Of Dems Oppose Florida’s Parental Rights Bill

Of course their West Coast correspondent would find this curious, since Democrats on the left coast are bat guano insane “Curious” According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, more than three-quarters of Republicans (76%) support Florida’s controversial new “Don’t Say Gay” measure, which seeks to silence any discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in […]

#Unity: Biden Wants AG Garland To Prosecute Trump

This would bring American together, right? No? It would further divide Americans? Wow. It would set a heck of a precedent for the next Republican president to send their Justice Department after Biden, Kamala, and all the other Democrats involved in accused wrongdoing. It would be a good distraction from Biden’s terrible economy and foreign […]

Americans Overwhelmingly Support Florida Anti-Grooming Law

Democrats are already facing a massive uphill battle for the mid-terms, and they learned absolutely nothing from the loss in Virginia for the governorship, and a close call in New Jersey, all because of what the schools were doing with kids. The Democrat politicians and pundits are barking up the wrong tree if they think […]

Who Had Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock Being A Race Thing?

Who had "making the Will Smith slap of Chris Rock a race thing" on their bingo card? Of course it had to be Jamelle Hill — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) March 29, 2022 There’s been some serious hot takes, some dragging Trump in, because Trump Derangement Syndrome, and, now, apparently, whites and blacks […]

Biden To Trot Out “Billionaires” Tax Or Something

Democrats trotted this idiocy out last September, and it went nowhere, and a big part of this is un-Constitutional. Also, it’s not just on billionaires Biden to propose minimum tax on billionaires in budget — The Hill (@thehill) March 27, 2022 From the link President Biden will propose a new 20 percent minimum […]

Pirate's Cove