Category Archives: Beyond Moonbat

Like To Work Out? Stay In Shape? You’re A Far Right Racist Fascist Nazi, You Know

Nope, it doesn’t matter if you’re black, Latino, Asian, Democrat, Progressive, Socialist, etc. MSNBC has Spoken The far right’s obsession with fitness is going digital — MSNBC (@MSNBC) March 23, 2022 Well, that sucks. From the screed It appears the far right has taken advantage of pandemic at-home fitness trends to expand its decade-plus radicalization of […]

Bloomberg: Nobody Said Inflation Would Be Fun, Peasants

Y’all need to just give up things like eating meat and health care for your pets Inflation stings most if you earn less than $300K. Here's how to deal: ?? Take the bus?? Don’t buy in bulk?? Try lentils instead of meat?? Nobody said this would be fun — Bloomberg Opinion (@opinion) March 19, […]

With Inflation, High Gas Prices, And War, Leftist Now Discussing “Changing The System”

It was only a matter of time before the Usual Suspects started to use the current crises for their nefarious purposes, just like they’ve attempted to use a slight increase in the global temperature in the last 170 years, attempted to use COVID Incessant crises show old economic model is running on empty First it […]

Climate Envoy John Kerry Is Super Concerned About The Carbon Footprint Of Russia Invading Ukraine

These grand poobahs in the Cult of Climastrology are really divorced from reality How is this real — John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) February 24, 2022 I saw this early this morning, but, had to take the time to see if it was real. It is. It’s not something from long ago (MEMRI) In a February […]

Next Masking Idea: Pantyhose

Only wear a mask if you’re sick. Wear any face covering if you’re around a lot of people. Wear a mask at all times indoors even when no one is around. Wear 2 masks. Wear 3 masks. Wear an N95. Most consumer-level surgical masks and KN95s leave gaps around the sides. Pantyhose could offer a […]

Climate Cult Finds Utility In White Hot Rage Or Somthing

These people are really not OK The Utility of White-Hot Rage Usually, a story like this starts with a quick roundup of alarming statistics and a reminder of all the latest climate disasters: heat domes, floods, hurricanes, etc. I’m going to skip that part. Most of us get it already. We understand with our rational […]

Daily Laugh: Brandon’s Leading NATO Against Russian Aggression

It’s like the Credentialed Media lives in an alternate reality, when we can all see what Joe has done Budowsky: President Biden leads NATO against Russian aggression President Biden is acting as leader of the free world, combatting Russian aggression against Ukraine. Working closely with political and military leaders of the NATO alliance, and mobilizing […]

NCAA Essentially Punts On Gender Confused Men Competing In Sports Against Biological Women

The NCAA throws out a whole bunch of Woke buzzwords, and, really, hasn’t changed their policy of allowing men to compete against women, taking away wins, accolade, opportunity, and scholarships NCAA changes transgender athlete participation policy amid calls for reevaluation The NCAA changed its policy regarding transgender athletes, it announced Wednesday. The new approach to […]

There’s A Real Danger In #LetsGoBrandon Or Something

Fortunately, the Credentialed Media is around to keep this going. Maybe we should all go back to #FuckJoeBiden? Where was the Charlotte Observer during the 4 years of Democrats saying nasty things about Trump, his family, and everyone around him? @sistertoldjah — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) January 7, 2022 If you have trouble […]

Politicized DOJ Will Go After People Who Weren’t Even At J6 Mostly Peaceful Protest

This will probably be about the only January 6th post I do. It wasn’t that big of a deal. Democrat Elites and their compliant media, though, think it’s the Worst Thing Ever Garland says “the actions we have taken thus far” on January 6 rioters “will not be our last” Attorney General Merrick Garland marked […]

Pirate's Cove