Category Archives: Beyond Moonbat

Moonbats Send “The Handmaids Tail”, “1984” Up Amazon’s Book Charts

There was a time when Rolling Stone would have laughed at the people buying these books, calling them nuts, and especially noting that 1984 more aptly describes the Biden-Harris regime. Rolling Stone, like so many in rock music, has become a stooge for Big Government ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and ‘1984’ Return to Amazon’s Bestsellers Charts […]

Excitable Kamala To Give Closing Speech On Turning The Page On Trump Or Something

This is the woman who’s been vice president for almost 4 years and hasn’t really helped most working and middle class Americans, right? I’m just wondering how good of an idea this is, since she’s been Angry Woman as of late, and if she jumps into Word Salad it will be a bad look. Seriously, […]

Kamala Gets Pressed On Transgender “Care”, Still Can’t Answer A Question

This should have been an easy question for her to answer, but, she doesn’t want most Americans to know what she really believes. She knows her unhinged moonbat base will vote for her no matter what….but, then, will they? How many Arab-Americans will refuse to mark the box for her on their ballot because of […]

Kamala Harris Gets Annihilated By Bret Baier

This is literally painful for me to listen to Watch the whole clip and at 0:25 you can literally see Kamala's brain collapse. Watch it. She's DONE. "And Donald Trump is running for office…" "You don't know what I'm talking about" Even Joe Biden would have answered that question! — Jesús Enrique Rosas – The […]

Harris Gives Complete Babble When Ask On How Something Becomes Law

So, Cackles sat down on the All Smoke Podcast and was given complete softballs, as expected, and this is what happens when someone who thinks they’re brilliant overthink an answer to an easy peasy question, especially after being in the US Senate and then being Vice President. This is the word salad of word salad […]

Delta Airlines Informs Future Hires They Must Wear Underwear

Seriously, what’s been going on that Delta needs to include this in their advice for future employees? And, seriously, what is going in with society that Delta actually has to advise potential employees of this and other things Delta pushes strict underwear regulations for flight attendants in eyebrow-raising memo This is how you dress for […]

Attempted Trump Assassin Had SKS Rifle, So, Let’s Confiscate Your Scary Assault Rifle

Let’s not forget that Kamala Harris wants a mandatory gun buy back, ie, forced confiscation of your legally purchased firearm Report: FBI Affidavit Indicates Alleged Trump Assassin Had SKS Rifle An affidavit in the criminal complaint against alleged Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh indicates he had an SKS rifle with him, according to reports. CNN pointed to FBI […]

How Bad Is Jew Or Israel Hatred On College Campuses?

It’s this bad One-third of non-Jewish college students in US are hostile to Jews or Israel – study Around one-third of non-Jewish college students embraced patterns of ideas hostile to Jews or Israel during the 2023-24 academic year, according to a new study by Brandeis University researchers. The study, published Thursday by the university’s Maurice and Marilyn […]

Far Left Wacko Ayanna Pressley Quotes Glorilla In Climate Doom Speech Or Something

Just when you thought the climate nuts couldn’t get more wacko Watch Rep. Ayanna Pressley Quote Glorilla’s ‘TGIF’ in Climate Change Speech Glorilla‘s scorching summer anthem “TGIF” has inspired a much more serious discussion about climate change, courtesy of a prominent Democratic lawmaker. During the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing last Wednesday (July […]

6th Court Of Appeals Blocks Biden’s Title IX Transgender Rules

Title IX is designed to help women. Biological women. Not biological men with mental health issues who take all sorts of things away from women Trans students’ rights suffer another blow as appeals court refuses to lift block on new Biden protections The Biden administration’s attempt to protect transgender students from discrimination hit another roadblock on Wednesday […]

Pirate's Cove