Category Archives: Beyond Moonbat

Sports Illustrated Names The Activist Athlete Sportsperson Of The Year

This is really great. Multimillionaires who talk a big game but don’t actually do anything, well, other than drive fans away with their politics Apparently, talking and not doing is more important than actually playing sports — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) December 7, 2020 SI’s 2020 Sportsperson of the Year: The Activist Athlete […]

USA Today: SCOTUS Ruling For Religious Freedom During COVID Is Mean, You Know

Let’s have a thought experiment: what if government was restricting reporters from going out and doing their jobs (not that most seem to do more than sit at their desks and read Twitter and left wing outlets) during COVID, sued, and SCOTUS said “yeah, Freedom of the Press.” Do you think Democrats like Obama veterans […]

Good News: Climate Apocalypse (scam) Causing Warmists To Not Have Kids

I think this is a wonderful idea. All climate cultists should follow this, thereby eliminating them from the gene pool. They won’t have mushy little heads to indoctrinate Climate ‘apocalypse’ fears stopping people having children – study People worried about the climate crisis are deciding not to have children because of fears that their offspring […]

Thanksgiving Caused ‘Climate Change’, You Know

Yes, it is a holiday, so, of course a climate cultist has to attack it, and the bigger the holiday the bigger the attack What Thanksgiving and the Coronavirus Pandemic Share: As Seen from Boston Perhaps more than any other day, Thanksgiving embodies the underlying embrace of endless growth and voracious consumption: normally the year’s […]

How To Survive ‘Climate Change’ At Thanksgiving

My recommendation? Tell the climate cultists to stay home Climate Change is Real – Here’s How to Survive that Subject at Thanksgiving Dinner State government officials are encouraging people to avoid large Thanksgiving gatherings due to the pandemic. Even people attending more intimate Thanksgiving celebrations can still expect good old-fashioned awkward conversations with the family. […]

Socialism Is Just Like Potluck, Y’all!

In case y’all haven’t seen this one yet Socialism is a potluck you're forced to attend. There are 300 people and 50 bring food – all mushy canned green beans, which is the state-mandated minimum. There are 3 pieces of chicken for the first ones in line. There are no drinks due to a planning […]

Unity: Barking Moonbat Will Not Reach Out To Trump Voters, Now Or Ever

As much as China Joe wants to preach healing and unity, which is really about his voters lowering their moonbattery way down, those he’s preaching too aren’t particularly enthused to do so No, I Will Not Be ‘Reaching Out’ To Trump Voters, Now Or Ever. Here’s Why. When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, like […]

China Joe Disciples Recommend A “National Day Of Reconciliation” Or Something

So, how will this work out? 8 things our next president needs to do right away (blah blah blah) COVID-19 – they want to work with the WHO again, who protected the lying from China Reach across the aisle – good f’ing luck with that, he really has never done that in 47 years Stimulus […]

The Anti-Fascist (sic) Forces Begin Compiling Lists

This is not talking about compiling lists, this is them actually making lists, and being happy about it Leftists, Never Trumpers Begin Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters Left-wing Democrats and Never Trump Republicans appealed Friday for assistance in compiling lists of Trump supporters to they could be held “accountable” for supporting President Donald Trump after […]

Portland Riots Again, National Guard Called In

What the heck are they rioting over? Have they just gotten so used to rioting that it’s just a normal part of their day, kinda like how people got used to doing something like going for a long walk during lockdown? There’s a slight difference this time (via Twitchy) National Guard called into Portland amid […]

Pirate's Cove