Category Archives: Beyond Moonbat

NY Times: Wuhan Virus Is Worse Than 9/11 Or Something

There once was a time when the people in charge of media outlets would sit back and say “is this really a good idea?” Sure, they weren’t always perfect, but, in these days, reading the Credentialed Media is more like reading the Democratic Underground, Daily Kos, or Media Matters. Here we have Unhinged Frank Bruni […]

Extinction Rebellion Plots New Stunts, Including Public Suicide

Some take offense when Skeptics, including myself, refer to the Cult of Climastrology as a cult, as doomsdayers, as unhinged nutjobs. I can’t imagine why we would refer to them that way Delingpole: Kamikaze Greenies – Extinction Rebellion Plots Suicide Stunt Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists, increasingly overshadowed by the coronavirus, have been discussing new and […]

Americans Returning From Overseas Whine About Having To Wait For Coronavirus Screening

They should be grateful they aren’t being quarantined for a week or two, and that the tests don’t require testing in, let’s say, the back nether-regions US citizens returning from overseas say they are waiting hours for coronavirus screening at airports As Americans are being urged to keep their distance from one another, travelers returning […]

Republicans Oppose Parts Of Democrat “Coronavirus” Bill, Which Includes Abortion Funding

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? Republicans oppose Pelosi’s coronavirus legislation, flagging ‘major’ problems The White House and congressional Republicans have poured cold water on the House Democrats’ coronavirus legislation to provide economic relief to Americans, signaling there won’t be immediate broad bipartisan support for the pending bill unless it undergoes changes. […]

Good Grief: Could Coronavirus Be Trump’s Katrina?

No, seriously, Credentialed Media folks and Democrats, along with #NeverTrumper nutballs, are actually going down this road. Her’s CNN’s Chris Cillizza Is coronavirus Donald Trump’s Katrina? What sunk President George W. Bush and Republicans in his second term wasn’t the war in Iraq. It was his administration’s mishandling of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Whispers have […]

Extinction Rebellion Protests About “Climate Rape” While Topless

Remember when climate scientists were telling the other members of their cult to not be crazy, because it makes it really hard to get people on board? XR tends not to listen Topless Women Protest ‘Climate Rape’ in London on International Women’s Day A group of 31 women formed a topless human chain in London […]

Totally Principled “Reagan Republican” Joined Democrats And Wants Others To Come Over

This is the unhinged #NeverTrumper attitude in a nutshell. This piece is by “Gabriel Schoenfeld, an adviser to Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, is a senior fellow at the Niskanen Center, a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors and a recently registered Democrat” Trump & Sanders drove me to become a Democrat. Other disgusted […]

Bummer: Our Pursuit Of Happiness Is Killing The Planet

You know, if these doomsday cultists would restrict their fearmongering to actual environmental issues, they’d have a point. Consumerism certainly causes damages. Disposable everything that ends up in landfills isn’t exactly the greatest, right? Smartphones are designed for you to get a new one every 1-3 years. They aren’t made to last like they used […]

Reproductive Justice Needs To Be Part Of Hotcoldwetdry Research Or Something

Warmists keep claiming that ‘climate change’ is all about science when Skeptics say it’s all about politics, then Warmists prove us right again and again Integrating a Reproductive Justice Framework in Climate Research Climate change is reshaping weather patterns, economies, and social structures and fundamentally altering the planet. The question is no longer why or […]

Peak Coronavirus: NY Times Links It To ‘Climate Change’ And Globalism

We’ve finally hit the point where one of the biggest news outlets in the world has their editorial board making the link Here Comes the Coronavirus Pandemic Back in 2002, when the SARS virus made its fateful leap from bats to civet cats to humans, global health experts warned that the ensuing outbreak was a harbinger of […]

Pirate's Cove