Category Archives: Unhinged Tools

Panel Rules New Abe Lincoln Statue Would “Widen Racial Inequality”

Remember when Democrat (and NeverTrumper) politicians and news media derided President Trump for saying that the moonbats would come after Lincoln, Washington, Jesus, and so many other statues, memorials, art, and so forth? Then the BLM/Antifa/Progressive nuts came after them immediately? D.C. Racial Equity Office Rules Lincoln Emancipation Statue Will Widen Racial Inequity A government […]

Hotcold Take: Bezos Is Going To Space While ‘Climate Change’ Kills The Planet

What would you call someone who has to make everything that happens all about themselves? A narcissist. What if they make everything about ‘climate change’? A climate cultist. Jeff Bezos Is Going to Space As Climate Change Threatens Life on Earth After watching Laurence Fishburne get stuck in the deep dimensions of hell in the […]

NY Times, State Department Provide Serious Hot Takes On Cuban Protests

The Cuban people have taken to the streets, and we get Cubans protesting their socialist government can be seen holding an American flag. While America’s own elite athletes want to burn and disrespect the American flag, oppressed people in other nations wave it as a symbol of freedom. ???????????????????????? — (@townhallcom) July 12, […]

Becerra: The Government Now Owns You, Take Your Vaccine

Now, why would anyone be concerned about creeping Fascism? HHS’ @XavierBecerra on Biden's controversial door-to-door vaccination program: “The federal government has spent trillions of dollars to keep Americans alive during this pandemic. So it is absolutely the government’s business” to know if you’ve been vaccinated. — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 8, 2021

D.C. AG Subpoenas Facebook Study On Bat Soup Virus “Misinformation”

Could someone direct Karl Racine to the First Amendment part about Free Speech? If Facebook, as a private entity, wants to crack down on people giving out what they consider misinformation, they can do that. That the AG of D.C. should want all this information for some reason is a good reason to do away […]

Coulter: Democrats Move On To Trying To Break Police Officers

Why, yes, Ann Coulter has gone nuts during the Trump era, but, she actually makes sense Ann Coulter: Dems Say Don’t Defund the Police. Break Them! In the left’s ongoing war on the police, their plan to strip cops of qualified immunity is among the most preposterous. The sole objective is to jam up cops and make […]

NY Times: Say, Have Y’all Noticed That A Lot Of Police Officers Have Left The Job?

A rather good, almost honest article from the NY Times on cops leaving their jobs over the last year, with the defund the police movement and the blame from politicians heavily minimized Why Police Have Been Quitting in Droves in the Last Year As protests surged across the country last year over the death of […]

Macy Gray Calls For Replacing American Flag, Says It Has Replaced Confederate Flag

This would be no big deal, just another entitled, unhinged liberal hating on America as usual, if so many other liberals weren’t agreeing with her Singer Macy Gray argues US needs a ‘new flag’ to replace ‘tattered, dated, divisive’ Old Glory The American flag is “tattered, dated, divisive, and incorrect” and needs to be updated, […]

Are White People Bad For The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something?

I’m getting the feeling that this whole thing really isn’t about the climate or environment Are white people bad for the environment? Dear Umbra, Are white people bad for the environment? Do white people have substantially higher carbon footprints than folks of color? — Just Understanding Systemic Truths In Climate Emergency Dear JUSTICE, If you […]

Next On Agenda For Democrats: Forcing States To Allow Unfettered Abortion

Climate change? Nah. Equity? Nope. Equality? Uh huh. Minorities? Nyet. Illegal immigration? Non. Keep going down the list of things Democrats say they care about and none are more important than abortion on demand. It is their number one thing More Than 220 Democrats in Congress Back Bill to Guarantee Nation-Wide Abortion Access More than […]

Pirate's Cove