Category Archives: Unhinged Tools

NY Times: The 63 Million Are Tyrannical, And Impeachment Vindicated Democracy Or Something

You can always count on the NY Times to provide a good Hot Take, and Excitable Michelle Goldberg has been on a roll lately. She even has to go back to George Bush 43 The Tyranny of the 63 Million Impeachment didn’t undermine democracy. It vindicated it. When George W. Bush lost the popular vote […]

Climate Morons Attempting To Win Darwin Awards Attempt To Stop Train In Mass.

Miriam Wasser is an “environmental reporter” for WBUR, an NPR station in Massachussets #BREAKING A train carrying coal to NH nearly ran over a dozen climate activists who tried to block it in Worcester. This happened after someone farther south on the tracks called the emergency hotline twice to report there were people on the […]

Democracy Grief Is Real Or Something

Michelle Goldberg at the NY Times thinks she’s on to something as the people who refuse to accept the outcomes of elections when they lose (see 2000, 2004, 2016). Oh, and like the massacre in Britain My favorite thing about election night twitter is learning how people voting spells the death of democracy — David […]

Washington Post Is Upset That Trump Didn’t Freak Out Over Pensacola Shooting

Now, had President Trump freaked out over the shooting in Pensacola, the same Washington Post Editorial Board would have also Blamed him for that. It’s really a no win situation Trump’s reaction to Pensacola was insensitive and insufficient PRESIDENT TRUMP’S reaction to the murderous rampage in Pensacola, Fla., on Friday by an officer of the […]

#TDS: House Report Says Trump Can Be Impeached For “Motives”

Democrats have been talking about impeaching Trump even before he was elected. That talk increased heavily the minute he was elected. And even more when he took office There’s Already a Campaign to Impeach President Donald Trump The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun Those are from inauguration day, and neither attempted to shoot […]

Joe Biden Blows Gasket At Iowa Event, Calls Voter Fat

Joe Biden’s press office and the Dem supporting media have their job cut out in spinning this. Of course, they can all just not carry the story, but, too many can see it on social media Biden Calls Voter ‘a Damn Liar,’ ‘Fat’ After a Question About Hunter Biden On Thursday, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports […]

White House Declines To Participate In House Witch-Hunt Hearings

The White House was given a very short time frame to decide if they want to participate in the latest moonbat impeachment hearings, and the witness list has yet to be disclosed (Breitbart) White House Counsel Pat Cipollone wrote a five-page letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) on Sunday, rejecting participation in what […]

USA Today: Swimming In Underwear Teaches You About Donald Trump And Getting Away With It Or Something

Trump Derangement Syndrome abounds. First we had the idiot Newsweek reporter and her story of how Trump was going to spend Thanksgiving golfing, tweeting, and more, which was clearly a huge bit of TDS. Then, of course, Trump went to Afghanistan to visit the troops. Not sure the reporter, or, is that, “reporter”, should have […]

Good News: Woke Is Just Another Word Ruined By White People

The NY Times has an opinion piece up today entitled In Defense of ‘Woke’ (on the web front page it reads “Stop Giving The ‘Woke’ A Hard Time) by Damon Young, the author of “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker.” The subhead even reads “Donald Trump and his supporters want the rest of us […]

Massive Winter Storms Hitting U.S., And This Is All Your Fault

You see, big winter storms never happened before 1980/invention of fossil fueled vehicles/1950/Industrial revolution (the starting timepoint depends on what a Warmist is arguing). They are a thing of man-caused climate change, and this is all your fault for taking a fossil fueled trip home for Thanksgiving, where you will bombarded with talking points about […]

Pirate's Cove