Category Archives: Unhinged Tools

London Police Have Had Enough Of Extinction Rebellion, Ban All Protests

The Metropolitan Police have had quite enough of these unhinged people creating problems in the streets British police issue a city-wide ban on climate change protests in London British police have ordered Extinction Rebellion activists to stop their demonstrations immediately or face arrest, issuing a London-wide ban on the group’s climate change protests. In a statement issued on […]

More Extinction Rebellion Moonbattery

The climate is solved! In it’s purest form, Civil Diso-Bedience is not just non-violent direct dance, it’s a way of life.#ExtinctionRebellion #SpringRebellion @ExtinctionR — Extinction Rebellion Australia (@XRebellionAus) October 11, 2019 and more

Dick’s Sporting Goods Anti-Gun Stance Cost Them $250 Million

I’m sure the CEO and top folks didn’t lose anything for their Wokeness, right? Dick’s CEO Says Anti-Gun Policy Shrank Company by a ‘Quarter Billion Dollars’ The CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods told CBS News this weekend that his decisions to stop selling certain guns and hire lobbyists to push for new gun bans have […]

Hot Take: Impeach Trump Repeatedly For Stonewalling

There are several really, really bad Hot Takes out there. There’s this one Let’s make sure history doesn’t repeat itself: daughter of Holocaust survivors which is quite possibly the worst article on the whole “caging illegal aliens is like the Nazis and the Holocaust” take you’ll ever read. The you have the NY Times publishing […]

AOC’s Town Hall: Save The Planet, Eat The Children

In a normal world, you wonder if this was some sort of plant to make the Cult of Climastrology look crazy. But, this is Cult of Climastrology World, where people are yammering about eco/climate anxiety, superglueing themselves to doors and streets and stuff, and you know the rest (via Twitchy) Woman just stood up at […]

Pure Politics: Adam Schiff Hid His Interactions With So-Called Whistleblower, Blocking Republicans From Questioning Key Figure

Remember, Nancy Pelosi has made Adam Schiff the point person for this impeachment inquisition. How will this work when people see that this is beyond partisan? Adam Schiff Hid CIA Whistleblower Concerns from Republicans on Intelligence Committee House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) did not notify Republicans on the committee of an intelligence official […]

Washington Post: President Pelosi Can Totally Happen

These people have lost their minds. But, then, that’s nothing new. Remember, though, the Washington Post proclaims themselves to be non-partisan Democracy Dies in Darkness while pleasuring itself to Resistance porn. — Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) September 30, 2019 From the screed, which is not in the opinion section What happens when a Democratic speaker […]

UN Flies In Jason Momoa For ‘Climate Change’, Exposes His Hatred Of Humanity

One has to wonder what was the carbon footprint of filming, distributing, and showing his movies? All the fossil fuels for travel for filming, all those who went to the theaters in fossil fueled vehicles. But, hey, I’ll be happy to skip all future Jason movies This just in: Jason Momoa hates humans; he thinks […]

Climate Cult Grand Poobah Al Gore Thinks That The Climate Crisis Is A War We Can Win

Manbearpig crawled out of his hole to drop an op-ed at the NY Times The Climate Crisis Is The Battle Of Or Time, And We Can Win Things take longer to happen than you think they will, but then they happen much faster than you thought they could. The destructive impacts of the climate crisis […]

NY Times Is Hot To Pack The Supreme Court

Hardcore Leftist Jamelle Bouie is super excited about this, but, only if a Democrat wins the White House To Balance the Scales of Justice, Don’t Be Afraid to Pack the Court President Trump bragged on Twitter recently about his success filling up the federal judiciary. “I want to congratulate” Senate majority leader “Mitch McConnell and all Republicans,” […]

Pirate's Cove