Category Archives: Unhinged Tools

Washington Post: Trump Was Right About SJWs Coming After Everything From America’s Past

It must have caused the Washington Post quite a bit of heartburn to publish anything that says that Trump is right After Confederate statues, America’s culture war targets Betsy Ross and a founding father As the nation has celebrated its birthday with displays of its contemporary power and prestige this week, two of its cherished historic symbols […]

Unhinged America Haters At Jezebel Want To Rename Independence Day

But, hey, remember, these Leftists tell us that they love America, they just want to change everything about it (via Twitchy) A modest proposal: Rename July 4th literally anything else — Jezebel (@Jezebel) July 3, 2019 From the screed It’s easy to cling to the idea that traditions are traditions because traditions have […]

Rep Frederica Wilson (D-Fla) Says People Making Fun Of Congress Members Should Be Prosecuted

Yet, somehow, it is Republicans who are the Fascists Florida Democrat says those ‘making fun’ of members of Congress online should be ‘prosecuted’ Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson said people who are “making fun” of members of Congress online should be “prosecuted.” The Florida congresswoman made the comments on Tuesday outside of the Homestead Temporary Shelter […]

Psychologists Are Very Concerned About News Of Bad Weather Causing “Eco-Anxiety”

While not a new thing, the amount of articles about people having mental issues over a tiny increase in the Earth’s average temperature has grown quite a bit as of late, especially as it relates to children, so, some sort of talking points memo must have gone out, because here comes another The Barrage of […]

Trump Deranged House Democrats File Lawsuit To Get Trump’s Tax Returns

They just won’t give up. They aren’t doing a damned thing to help American citizens in the House. They’re trying to give themselves a pay raise, they’re trying to protect illegal aliens, and they’re trying to take away lawfully owned firearms. And fishing for Trump’s tax returns House Democrats file lawsuit to obtain Trump tax […]

‘Climate-Change’ Anxiety Is Now A Part Of Growing Up Or Something

Have you ever felt anxious and then realized you had yourself work up over nothing? Perhaps you had too much coffee or you’re hungover. Perhaps you’ve been eating poorly. Or skipped the gym. These are all things you’ve done to yourself, creating anxiety over nothing. Kinda like this Climate-change anxiety is now a part of […]

Human Rights Might Not Survive ‘Climate Change’, Create Climate Apartheid Or Something

You know it’s summer, because the Cult Of Climastrology ramps up the doomy prognostications and such from Unhinged to Deranged. And this is a new one ‘Climate apartheid’: UN expert says human rights may not survive The world is increasingly at risk of “climate apartheid”, where the rich pay to escape heat and hunger caused […]

Mueller Agrees To Testify In Front Of House Panels, Could Blow Up Spectacularly In Democrats Faces

Trump Derangement Syndrome infused Democrats finally have their wish: Robert Mueller will testify on his big old nothing-burger report, which took over two years to compile and showed….nothing about Trump or any other American colluding with Russia. If Dems think this testimony will help their Russia Russia Russia case, they are very wrong Mueller subpoena […]

Police Arrested 70 Hotcoldwetdry Protesters Outside Of Evil Carbon Polluting NY Times Building Or Something

Who can blame them? The NY Times building has a huge carbon footprint, and the company itself uses vast amounts of fossil fuels to gather, create, and disseminate their version of the news Police arrest 70 climate change protesters outside New York Times Police arrested 70 environmental protesters outside the New York Times headquarters who […]

Person With Zero Evidence Accuses Trump Of Sexual Assault, Refuses To File Charges

I think she got her timeline wrong: she was supposed to wait till  the Democratic primaries are over, perhaps till September 2020, in order to hurt Trump at the ballot box Columnist accuses Trump of sexual assault more than two decades ago, an allegation he denies E. Jean Carroll, a New York-based writer and longtime […]

Pirate's Cove