Category Archives: Unhinged Tools

White House Tells Democrat Run House Committee To Pound Sand On Document Request

Democrats lost on the Mueller report. No collusion, no conspiracy, no obstruction. It found that not one American was involved in a conspiracy with Russia. But, Democrats just won’t give up White House refuses House Judiciary’s request for documents The White House has rejected a sweeping request from the House Judiciary Committee for documents, suggesting […]

Hot Take: Trump’s Grip On DOJ Doomed Meuller’s Investigation

Intercept “reporter” Jim Risen has a new conspiracy theory for why the Mueller investigation failed to end with Trump being frogmarched out of the White House. He actually started yapping about it back on the 7th, but, The Hill ran some video of this today. Leftist nutters will never give up on their nutbaggery Did […]

Mitch McConnell Blasts Pelosi And Company As Having TDS

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a term thrown around by those of us on the right against Democrats and the #NeverTrumper loons, but you rarely hear it from elected Republicans, and certainly not from the Senate leader. But, Cocaine Mitch has to call them like he sees them (video at the link) MCCONNELL: PELOSI AND DEMS […]

Rick Scott Pounces On AOC And Her Green New Disaster In Flyby Tweet

AOC was not even the intended target, but, boy howdy did he ruffle her super-sensitive feathers (via Twitchy) What's next? Will we have to register sharp knives? Maybe @AOC will make us register every time we buy meat as part of her #GreenNewDeal. The Democrats are officially the @BernieSanders Party. They want America to be […]

Cartoonist Who Drew Anti-Semitic Graphic For NY Times Blames “Jewish Propaganda”

Go figure The fellow who drew the anti-Semitic cartoon in the NY Times blames “Jewish propaganda” for the pushback. So that problem should completely go away now. Excellent recap via ?@brianstelter? — Bill Grueskin (@BGrueskin) May 1, 2019 Good of CNN, usually unhinged Brian Stetler, and the others to offer this Reporters in The New […]

Excitable California Senate Passes Bill Requiring Trump Show Tax Returns To Be On Ballot

The excitable Democrats in the People’s Republik Of California should read their own Constitution, as well as the federal Constitution, because they do not have the authority to do this, but, then, this is more about their feelings….unhinged feelings…than any sort of law California Senate passes bill that would keep Trump off 2020 ballot unless […]

NY Times Suspends All Political Cartoons In International Edition Over Internal Jew Hatred

Remember this from just a few days ago? If an openly anti-Semitic cartoon makes it into the international edition of @nytimes, you know how far Jew-hate has creeped back into the mainstream. This cartoon was handpicked, signed off, published. Not an honest mistake. — Julie Lenarz (@MsJulieLenarz) April 27, 2019 It says quite a […]

NY Times Wants Everyone To Relax On Socialism

This is partly their way off attempting to protect AOC and the new breed of Democratic Socialists, which they managed to do in an incredibly sexist manner And away go (hey, I wonder if writer David Bentley Hart will ask the folks who run the Times if they’ll pay their fair share of taxes?) […]

Extinction Rebellion Nutter Glues Her Breasts To Ground To Protest ‘Climate Change’

This is not a joke….well, these people are funny as hell in their insanity, but they are dead serious in their insanity Whackjob Protester Glues Her Breasts to Ground to Protest Global Warming via @PoliticsIsDirty — Warner Todd Huston (@warnerthuston) April 27, 2019 That leads to the UK Sun, which has many pictures of […]

Adam “Ample Evidence” Schiff Not So Sure About Impeachment

Excitable Adam Schiff (D-Ca) has been one of the leading unhinged in making the claim that there is tons and tons of evidence. He’s just refused to show it after well over two years of caterwauling. He even made the claim again Schiff: ‘Ample evidence of collusion in plain sight’ Responding to attacks by White […]

Pirate's Cove