Category Archives: Unhinged Tools

British ‘Climate Change’ Protesters Are “Rebelling On Behalf Of Life Itself” Or Something

You’ve heard about the protests in France, where citizens are unhappy that the Macron government is implementing the very taxes on fossil fuels that Warmists thought would hit Other People, not themselves. But, there are also protests in London, which I mentioned previously in regards to gluing their hands to doors Britain’s climate protests: ‘We […]

SDS: Busy Phillips Claims To Have Given Sarah Sanders Dirty Look At Disney

If we’re discussing #TrumpDerangementSyndrome, it pretty much applies to people going full on Moonbat to anything Trump related. Usually, we can apply this to Sarah Sanders, since she is his press secretary, and utterly drives liberals nuts. But, this bit of insanity is enough to bring out #SandersDerangementSyndrome on its own Busy Philipps gives Sarah […]

Hottest Take Ever: Beauty Magazine Explains How To Implement An Almost Total Ban On Private Ownership Of Firearms

Everyone goes to Harper’s Bazaar, a magazine primarily about fashion, beauty, celebrity, culture, and food and travel, for diatribes about gun bans, right? But, remember, no one is advocating taking away your guns How We Can Stop Mass Shootings in America Australia’s national gun buyback and gun registry worked. It can work for us, too. […]

DHS Proposal For Assigning Gender Has “No Basis In Science” According To Science Journal

When science nutters attempt to propagate mental illness (via Twitchy) Editorial: The US Department of Health and Human Services proposes to establish a legal definition of whether someone is male or female based on the genitals they are born with. This proposal has no foundation in science and should be abandoned. — Nature Portfolio […]

Bummer: The U.S. Is Becoming A Two-Tiered Voting Laws Country

It’s funny that we really didn’t hear any of these same whines while Obama was in office, but, in the Era of Trump, everything is horrible for liberals. Even after doing well in the House, zomg, voting is horrible, and has made Ari Berman at Mother Jones very upset The United States Is Becoming a […]

Neil Young Blames Trump For Losing His House Due To ‘Climate Change’

Man, if only President Trump had done something about ‘climate change’ during his previous terms over the last 30 years, eh? Neil Young Blames ‘So-Called President’ Donald Trump After Losing His Home in the California Wildfires By Sunday, the devastating wildfires across California were only 25 percent contained as the death toll rose to 31 […]

Trumpy Bear Is Actually Masking Something Nefarious Or Something

Have you seen this one yet? It’s a cute bear. With a combover. And a blankie! And it is real! And it has far left outlet writer Jeet Heer melting down (New Republic) Like the Teddy Bear, the Trumpy Bear uses cuteness to mask something terrible. Some television viewers were taken aback by an […]

Climate Fiction Will Help Us Confront The Incipient Death Of The Planet Or Something

I know what could solve this: a tax on people who believe in anthropogenic climate change, starting with media outlets like the New Yorker How Climate-Change Fiction, or “Cli-Fi,” Forces Us to Confront the Incipient Death of the Planet As part of its ongoing “Original Stories” series, Amazon has assembled a collection of climate-change fiction, or cli-fi, bringing […]

Newsweek Continues Meme About Senate Popular Vote

One would think that after a couple of scorching hot takes on the subject, someone in the editorial pool at major media outlets would go “OK, hold on, this is beyond stupid.” Alas, not (via Twitchy) Democrats won the popular vote for president, House and Senate but control only one branch of government […]

Apparently, If You Don’t Live In Urban And Suburban Areas You Aren’t Part Of Real America

According to Excitable Paul Krugman, you’re just part of Senate America Real America Versus Senate America Everyone is delivering post-mortems on Tuesday’s elections, so for what it’s worth, here’s mine: Despite some bitter disappointments and lost ground in the Senate, Democrats won a huge victory. They broke the Republican monopoly on federal power, and that’s […]

Pirate's Cove