You’ve heard about the protests in France, where citizens are unhappy that the Macron government is implementing the very taxes on fossil fuels that Warmists thought would hit Other People, not themselves. But, there are also protests in London, which I mentioned previously in regards to gluing their hands to doors Britain’s climate protests: ‘We […]
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- Elwood P Dowd on ‘Climate Change’ Needs A Collective Response Or Something: “The far-right sees “communists” under every bed!! MAGA is a collective! Catholics are a collective! The gods forfend that humans…” Jan 13, 09:39
- drowningpuppies on ‘Climate Change’ Needs A Collective Response Or Something: “Make them pay even if its too little, too late.. University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann will have to…” Jan 13, 09:24
- Doom and Gloom on Surprise: Bank Of England Confirms Net Zero Is Driving Up Energy Prices: “The Mayans died off because of a massive drought in the region of the Panama Canal. It is not unusual…” Jan 13, 09:18
- Elwood P Dowd on Good News: Californians Have Moved From Ripping Off CVS To The National Guard: “jil, YOU look them up! Or at least supply a findable reference. You do this often. Smelly Old Dave doesn’t…” Jan 13, 09:11
- Dana on ‘Climate Change’ Needs A Collective Response Or Something: “Whenever you see the word “collective,” you know that they’re preaching socialist/communist policies. F(ornicate) that!” Jan 13, 09:10