Category Archives: Unhinged Tools

Hot Take: Gerrymandering Doomed Democrats Taking Back The Senate

I may be writing this late in the afternoon, but I ran across this early this morning, and it is as scorching of a hot take as they come This is perhaps the worst whiny take from Democrats on why they didn't take the Senate — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) November 7, 2018 […]

Surprise: Warmist Drags ‘Climate Change’ Into Tree Of Life Shooting

You just had to know that some member of the Cult of Climastrology would do this, in this case, Eve Andrews at Grist Tree of Life and our deadly climate of change As the rest of the country tried to figure out why Robert Bowers had targeted Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue in the worst […]

Democrats Get Naked To Get People Out To Vote

Hope you haven’t eaten BREAKING NEWS: Democrat-supporting women strip off for photo shoot called 'Grab Them By The Ballot' in an attempt to persuade people to vote against Republicans. They're hoping the images will encourage people to vote on November 6. — Dave Vescio (@DaveVescio) November 1, 2018 Yikers (Breitbart) Several Democrat women stripped […]

NY Times Tries Some Assassination Chic With Feature On Trump

Michelle Malkin came up with the term assassination chic (also called assassination fascination, and she has a whole chapter in her book Unhinged) during the Bush 43 years, when Democrats and some lefties around the world were bringing their fantasies of assassinating George Bush to the mainstream. Obviously, it made a return as soon as […]

Bummer: 25% Of Millenials Have “PTSD” From 2016 Election

I think the acronym they’re looking for is PEST, Post Election Selection Trauma, which first made its appearance when Democrats (and Bush hating people in other countries) just couldn’t handle the re-election of President George W. Bush, not PTSD 25% of millennials say they have PTSD from the 2016 election, study says — Daily […]

Bummer: Trump Admin Drafting Plan To Do Away With Obama’s Gender Confused Policies

Yet another part of the Obama legacy that will end up in the garbage can, where it belongs Feds Draft Plan to Discard Obama’s Transgender Ideology President Donald Trump’s Justice Department will soon decide if agencies must follow biology when they document the legal sex of American women and girls, men and boys, according to […]

Warmists Suffering From Climate Anxiety Are Not Alone Or Something

They keep telling us that ‘climate change’ is causing all sorts of mental disorders, and they’re kinda correct. Though it’s a self fulfilling diagnosis, where a fake issue base on politics rather than science is making the Believers to go wonkers. So bat guano insane that this piece is in Vogue, a magazine about the […]

Peak 2018? Gender Confused “Man” Identifies As A Dog

This is what happens when society not only tolerates mental illness, but applauds it, celebrates it, condones it, encourages it Transgender man identifies as a DOG and says chasing sticks and playing on all fours has brought him closer to his husband Playing fetch on all fours might seem like an unusual activity for an […]

“First Man” Movie Raises Disturbing Reminder Of Racial Inequality Or Something

It’s always something with these people. Always some sort of Grievance. Always putting people in boxes. Always finding ways to tear things down rather than build them up “First Man” Raises Disturbing Reminder of Racial Inequality Gil Scott-Heron’s “Whitey on the Moon” plays a pivotal role in the film. Um, it was whitey on the […]

Post-Kavanaugh, Liberals Turn To (Spins Wheel) Witchcraft For Self Help

Why read the Onion when you have this kind of piece from Vox? We "refuse to be silent any longer": magic as self-care after the Kavanaugh confirmation — Vox (@voxdotcom) October 10, 2018 From the “article” First, take a candle. Then, pour some salt into your hand. Then, keeping the grains in your palm, […]

Pirate's Cove