October 6, 2010 – 10:45 am
So, I just saw a commercial for Grier Martin, who is running for re-election in North Carolina for District 34, General Assembly. No mention of party affiliation. Nor does his website mention party affiliation. He’s an “independent voice.” Apparently, even those running for state assemblies do not want to let voters know they are Democrats […]
September 27, 2010 – 2:20 pm
Rachel Maddow? Who Dat? That’s what The Politico is pushing with: Poll: Bill O’Reilly is popular, but Rachel Maddow is unknown to likely voters More people are getting their news about the upcoming election from cable television than any other source, and from Fox News more than any other cable channel, according to a POLITICO/George […]
September 18, 2010 – 2:13 pm
The better back her, otherwise she will turn them into a newt. Here’s the latest insanity from Think Progress Last night, Real Time aired its first show of the current season. Maher began by mocking O’Donnell, calling her “an uemployed, anti-masturbation activist and a close friend of mine.†“I created her,†Maher told the audience, […]
September 18, 2010 – 9:01 am
Is she running? We still don’t know, but, she blew the crowd away in Iowa Friday night Sarah Palin drew the largest crowd here tonight in the history of the Iowa Republican Party’s Ronald Reagan Dinner – more than 1,500 people. “In just 46 days Republicans will put their ideas and their experience on the […]
September 15, 2010 – 3:20 pm
Seriously, all we are hearing from the haters on the Left and the Right is that Christine O’Donnell is going to get waxed come November 2nd. I might point out that if Obama could win the presidency, anything can happen. But, I digress. If all the haters (seeeeexists?) believe that, then why are they out […]
August 29, 2010 – 9:05 am
When you really, truly need to see the the Old Media make complete fools and clowns of themselves, well, here is Epic Fail Glenn Beck is borrowing some lines from President Barack Obama. At his rally with tens of thousands on the steps of Lincoln Memorial, Beck used the closing lines of then-candidate Obama’s campaign […]
August 28, 2010 – 9:44 pm
Even the media is having a hard time finding a way to put it in negative terms, what with 500,000 or more in attendance (s0me are even going as far as 1 million, but, don’t think so. And the idiots at CBS are claiming 87,000) or watching on C-SPAN. For myself, I was there, found […]
August 11, 2010 – 9:30 am
Well, this certainly won’t build the kind of dialogue that the WTC Imam wants. Oh, well, face it, liberals, Islam is responsible for the majority of world wide terrorism (Via NBC NY, which was the first media source I could find that actually had the graphic. Most of the others, including the NY Times, were […]
July 13, 2010 – 8:50 pm
You just know that when Washington Post writer Sandhya Somashekhar set out to write this piece, he was looking for some way to slam the TEA Party. For a change, he did not succeed While many conservative organizations immediately decried a federal judge’s decision last week to invalidate the federal ban on recognizing gay marriages, […]
July 5, 2010 – 9:37 am
And, by shocker, I mean I gave serious consideration to whether I even wanted to write a post on this poll. I don’t write about water being wet, do I? Conservatives are more than twice as likely as liberals to express very strong patriotism, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll in which 48 percent […]