Category Archives: Constitution

Abortion Will Still Be Legal In NC, But, There Will Be A Change

Even if the Republican dominated general assembly wanted to put in big restrictions or and abortion on demand, anything they pass will require the Democratic Party governor to approve it, which won’t happen, and the GOP doesn’t quite have enough seats for a super majority. They could attempt to get it on the ballot as […]

Democrats Already Looking To Push Scary Looking Rifle Ban

A bunch of interesting gun news. First, the Supreme Court did their thing NY Times is not taking the ruling well at all — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) June 23, 2022 If you scroll around the news outlets, most are not taking it well, failing to understand that the 2nd Amendment is a […]

Liberal Gun Grabbing Groups Are Fine With Modest Gun Package, As It’s A “Step Forward”

And you know that “a step forward” means “we get this through, then something else, then something else, and pretty soon we have made it really, really difficult for law abiding citizen to own and carry firearms” Liberal gun control groups back bipartisan Senate bill despite modest provisions The bipartisan gun bill on track to pass […]

Cornyn Walks On Senate Gun Deal, Says He’s Done

Did the GOP actually think the Democrats would demand more and more? GOP, Dem Senate bargainers divided over gun deal details Democratic and Republican senators were at odds Thursday over how to keep firearms from dangerous people as bargainers struggled to finalize details of a gun violence compromise in time for their self-imposed deadline of […]

NY Times Wants To Remove All Liability Protections On Firearms

Now, why do the gun grabbers want to do that? Don’t Add Curbs on Guns. But Repeal Liability Protections for Gun Makers and Sellers. As a lifelong sportsman with a personal history rich with shotguns, pistols and rifles, I understand why so many of my fellow gun owners — especially the ones who have been […]

Bipartisan Group Of Senators Comes Out With Gun Laws

Most of these will not satisfy either side, especially the leftist gun grabbers. Nor would most of these have stopped any of the shooters Bipartisan Gun Deal Announced: No ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, No Raised Minimum Rifle Age A bipartisan group of senators announced a deal on gun control legislation Sunday in the wake of recent […]

House Passes Bill Making Age To Buy Rifles And Shotguns To 21

I’ll be honest, I’m not necessarily against this, as so many 18 year olds are coming out of public schools utterly irresponsible, and any criminal records they have are probably sealed from being a minor. Personally, I’d go for a 2 week waiting period for any rifle, giving the background check a chance, and, perhaps […]

Dem Don Beyer To Introduce Massive Tax On Scary Rifle And Big Magazine Purchases

Remember, Democrats say they only want to stop the Bad People from having scary guns. And then in the next breath they say they want to stop law abiding from getting scary guns A House Democrat plans to introduce a bill that would hit AR-15’s with a 1,000% tax — and it could pass Congress […]

Biden Says 2nd Amendment Not Absolute, Calls For Lots Of Restrictions

Guy surrounded by lots and lots of people with firearms that he wants to restrict, as well as ones which most of us average citizens care not allowed to have, had thoughts "This is not about taking away anyone's guns," Biden says in prime time address on guns. Families in Texas and New York "had […]

Democrats Pushing Gun Legislation That Wouldn’t Stop The Shooters

I keep saying, Republicans should offer legislation that members of Congress and the Executive Office, especially the people who work for Biden along with Biden, should not be protected by armed security armed with “assault rifles” and handguns with magazines that hold more than 10 rounds Democrats to Vote on 6 Gun Controls That Wouldn’t […]

Pirate's Cove