Category Archives: Constitution

Abortionistas Point Out What Happens If Roe v Wade Is Overturned

Once again I ask, how did the Democrats become the party of abortion, where the number one belief is in killing the unborn, and how they feel that abortion is now birth control? Nothing else is more important to them. If you said “you can keep abortion legal throughout the U.S. but have to give […]

Axios: Un-named Republicans Totally Say Pro-Life Win Could Come Back To Haunt Them

Seriously, what could possibly go wrong with dumping one of the worst Supreme Court rulings of all time, where a supposed right to kill the unborn was generated out of thin air. Regardless of your feelings of it morally, Constitutionally it was a horrible ruling. The arguments the government made against the Mississippi abortion law […]

Democrats Are Getting Very Worried That Roe v Wade Will Be Overturned

Personally, I think the Supreme Court will either rule in a very limited manner, saying that this ruling only applies to Mississippi, or have a broader ruling that leaves abortion in the hands of the States. Where it should be. The Constitution says nothing about abortion, it was not an assigned power or duty, hence, […]

Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate

The judge stated that this whole civil liberties and separate but equal branches of government thing is rather important Louisiana federal judge blocks nationwide COVID vaccine mandate for health care workers A Louisiana U.S. district judge blocked a federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers Tuesday, issuing a nationwide injunction in another setback to […]

Media Blames Guns For Mall Violence Friday

This is rather like blaming the SUV for running over, harming, and killing a bunch of people at the Waukesha parade Gun violence sends Black Friday shoppers scurrying in North Carolina, Washington state Gun violence erupted at retail outlets crowded with post-Thanksgiving holiday shoppers in North Carolina and Washington state on Friday, sending bystanders at […]

MSNBC: 1st Amendment Is At Risk From The 2nd Or Something

These are the same people who do everything in their power to stop people from speaking if they consider it Wrongspeak. From people practicing their religion (well, if they’re Christian or Jewish. They’re afraid of the Religion of Peace). From petitioning for redress of grievance and protesting if they are the Wrong People. They’ll also […]

Hot Take: Acquitting Rittenhouse Would Be Legally Correct, But, Unjust Or Something

Not sure about you, but, I’ve payed attention to the Rittenhouse trial, just, not super deep. Here’s what I see: the juvenile really shouldn’t have been there, but, it’s a free country. The government should have done their job in cracking down on the BLM/Antifa violence, rioting, looting, assault, theft, arson, etc. Three unhinged, violent […]

5th Circuit Court Provides Temporary Stay Against Brandon’s Vax Mandate

I must admit, I am intrigued by the part of the OSHA rule which says that the vaccinated do not need to wear a mask, since the vaccine provides protecting. But, overall, the authoritarian desire to force people to get vaccinated with a vaccine implemented under an emergency order, which hasn’t gone through the full […]

Surgeon General Says Mandates For Small Businesses Still On The Table

It’s a funny thing: people constantly talk about how the government mandates citizens to get vaccines, such as for smallpox, measles, mumps. Except, those mandates are not coming from the federal government, they are primarily from the state governments, because there is no actual law nor constitutional authority to impose vaccines on U.S. civilians. Sure, […]

Federal Court Temporarily Halts Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

How quick will this make it to the Supreme Court? Or will it wind its way through federal court prior? Appeals court stays vaccine mandate on larger businesses A federal appeals court on Saturday temporarily halted the Biden administration’s vaccine requirement for businesses with 100 or more workers. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted an […]

Pirate's Cove