Category Archives: Constitution

Biden Regime Appeals Court Ruling Blocking Them From Censoring People On Social Media

Yet, Democrats call Republicans Fascist (Daily Caller) The Biden administration appealed a preliminary injunction Wednesday issued to prevent federal officials from communicating with social media platforms to censor content containing protected speech. Western District of Louisiana Judge Terry A. Doughty issued the injunction Tuesday after finding plaintiffs in the free speech lawsuit Missouri v. Biden, […]

Biden Again Calls For Gun Control After Shootings In Democratic Party Controlled Cities

The weird part is how no information has been released on the shooters, and no one in the media seems to be demanding it Biden says gun violence ‘tearing communities apart’ after latest mass shootings President Joe Biden on Tuesday said gun violence was tearing apart U.S. communities after mass shootings in Philadelphia, Baltimore and […]

Unhinged Arizona AG Tells Supreme Court To Shove It Over Free Speech Ruling

I’ve been reliably told that this is how Democracy ends. Hot Air’s David Strom says the 303 Creative ruling is far more important than the affirmative action one, since the former affects way more people than the latter, and, he’s right, because it is about free speech and individual freedom, as determined by the US […]

What Does SCOTUS Decision On Affirmative Action Mean For Workplaces?

Boy howdy, the USA Today was ready to start spreading the subject out toot sweet Supreme Court just reversed affirmative action. What that means for workplace diversity. For years, Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, has crusaded for stakeholder capitalism, the idea that business leaders should value the well-being of people and the planet along with the interests of […]

Biden’s IRS Agents Take Gun Purchase Records In Montana

Coming to a city and state near you Montana AG Sounds Alarm: Armed IRS Agents Rounding Up Gun Purchase Records Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen spoke to Breitbart News Saturday morning and told us that armed IRS agents rolled into Great Falls’ Highwood Creek Outfitters Wednesday and seized dozens of boxes of ATF form 4473s, […]

UK Guardian: Social Media Needs Massive Moderation To Save Democracy Or Something

Nothing says freedom and democracy like advocating to shut down those you accuse of Wrongthink. This is utterly unsurprising from the UK Guardian, and Progressives (nice Fascists) in general, as it’s always about massive, controlling government and refusing to allow people with different opinions from speaking. They only care about the 1st Amendment as it […]

CBS News Wonders If Mandatory Gun Insurance Can Stop Criminals From Shooting People

Well, actually, the only ones who would be forced to obtain the insurance, which would be expensive for people with legal firearms, and unaffordable for people who live in high crime areas, would be the law abiding Can mandatory liability insurance for gun owners reduce violence? The idea has been floated for years, and it […]

Excitable Gavin Newsome Pushes 28th Amendment About Gun Grabbing

I’m sure Gavin is welcoming of disarming his own security, right? Not just taking guns from you peasants, right? NEW: I’m proposing the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to help end our nation’s gun violence crisis. The American people are sick of Congress’ inaction. The 28th will enshrine 4 widely supported gun safety […]

White Women Use Their “Privilege” To Advocate For Banning All Guns In Colorado

Obviously, CNN is not going to tell you that at least 99.9% of these white women invited by black women (this is all getting rather racisty, eh?) vote Democrat Hundreds of White women gather at Colorado Capitol after plea from women of color to use their ‘privilege’ to demand action on gun violence Hundreds of […]

Constitution By Poll: Most Americans Support Stronger Gun Laws

Would these go with the 20,000+ laws already on the books? Would they restrict the rights of the law abiding, or go after the criminals? Most Americans say they would support stricter gun control laws: poll A majority of Americans in a new poll released on Friday said they would support stricter gun control laws. Sixty-four […]

Pirate's Cove