Category Archives: Current Affairs

Crazy Person Tried To Kill Trump At Rally Saturday

This is what happens when the Democrat Party, and wacko never-Trumpers, say that he’s a danger to America, Democracy!, and the whole world. That he’s a Fascist, and authoritarian, that he’s in it for revenge, that he’s going to lock up his political enemies and even kill them. That he’ll never step down after another […]

WWIII Watch: Zelenskyy Whines About U.S. Not Allowing Ukraine To Join NATO

Why would we? Zelenskyy criticises US for refusing to invite Ukraine to NATO President Volodymyr Zelenskyy feels that the present US administration’s and Republican leader Donald Trump’s position on Ukraine’s refusal to join NATO does not reflect the “policy of the world leaders.” Source: Zelenskyy in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer‘s Trudy Rubin, as reported by European […]

US Military Bases in Europe Put On “Charlie” Alert

An outlier, things that just happen in this dangerous world, or, something more nefarious? Fortunately, Biden is back at Camp David, and we’ll see if he’s back Monday or it lasts longer US military bases in Europe raise security threat levels U.S. military bases in Europe were put on a heightened state of alert over […]

Supreme Court Rules Against Wild Rule Used To Prosecute J6 Folks

If you’ve noticed, the majority of those who wandered peacefully through the halls of Congress were not charged with insurrection. They were charged with violating record keeping. Then typically held in jail without bond till their trial, sometimes in solitary Supreme Court limits scope of obstruction law used in Jan. 6 prosecutions The Supreme Court […]

WWIII Watch: Ukraine Hits Crimea Beach, Russia Blames U.S.

Why blame the whole United States? Why blame you and me? Blame Biden and the people who back sending all those arms to Ukraine Russia Blames U.S. for Deadly Ukraine Missile Strike on Crimean Beach Russian authorities said six people died and over 100 were wounded in Ukrainian drone and missile attacks on Sunday, while […]

NY Times: Biden’s Gaza Pier Is Failing

Good thing it didn’t cost much, eh? U.S. Pier for Gaza Aid Is Failing, and Could Be Dismantled Early The $230 million temporary pier that the U.S. military built on short notice to rush humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip has largely failed in its mission, aid organizations say, and will probably end operations weeks […]

Second Gentleman To Attend Pittsburgh Synagogue Memorial Groundbreaking

I’m not sure what to think of this. On one hand, it’s great that someone who is a Jew is being sent by the Biden regime for the groundbreaking. On the other hand, the 2nd gentleman is essentially a nothingburger in terms of the federal government. They are not a part of the government. Will […]

Weird: Colorado’s Legal Pot Market Is Crashing

I’ll not again that I am not against legalized marijuana. I don’t do it, but, if others want to, have at it. It’s certainly not as bad a drug as alcohol, though people do seem to be using it in some form or fashion way more throughout the day, kinda like an alcoholic sneaking sips. […]

WWIII Watch: Ukraine Uses US Weapons To Strike In Russian Territory

In fairness, as I’ve said, this is war. If one nation is striking in the territory of another, well, that country should strike back in the other nation’s territory. Of course, since Ukraine is using US weapons to strike a nation that has nuclear weapons with a nutjob in charge who has threatened to use […]

WWIII Watch: Biden Secretly Authorized Ukraine To Strike Targets In Russia

It’s not like Putin didn’t just say that doing so could widen the war or anything BREAKING: While the verdict to Trump's trial was being read, Joe Biden authorized the Ukrainian use of US military equipment for strikes directly inside Russia. — Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) May 30, 2024 The Washington Post tries to soft […]

Pirate's Cove