Category Archives: Current Affairs

In Wake Of End Of Roe, FDA Considers OTC Birth Control Pills

Hey, look, Democrats rediscovered contraceptives! F.D.A. to Weigh Over-the-Counter Sale of Contraceptive Pills More than 60 years after the approval of oral contraceptives revolutionized women’s sexual health, the Food and Drug Administration has received its first application to supply a birth control pill over the counter — just as the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn […]

It Starts: Pennsylvania GOP Looks To Pass Amendment Banning Abortion

This is exactly what is supposed to happen: the citizens and legislatures should determine the fate of abortion in their states Pennsylvania’s GOP-led Senate advances constitutional amendment on abortion The Pennsylvania state Senate advanced a proposal Thursday that would amend the state constitution to include clear language that states there is no constitutional right to […]

Having Relatives Report Highland Park Shooter Threatened To Kill Everyone Is Apparently Not A Reason To Deny A Gun Permit

What’s the point of red flag laws if the government won’t use them? Or even laws that use proper due process? This seems to keep happening in Democratic Party run areas "relatives had reported he threatened to kill everyone" is apparently insufficient to deny the permit — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 6, […]

Florida Judge Blocks 15 Week Abortion Ban, Says It’s Unlikely To Survive Appeal

Apparently, it doesn’t invade privacy if abortions are blocked at 24 weeks, but, does at 15 weeks Florida Judge Will Temporarily Block 15-Week Abortion Ban In a welcome but likely brief victory for supporters of abortion rights, a judge in Florida blocked a state law banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy on Thursday, the […]

Pro-Lifers Should Worry More About Other Things Than Abortions Says *Checks Notes* Vatican

This is the same Vatican led by a Pope who seems more concerned with climate crisis (scam) than most other things, and seems to want to avoid pushing pro-life. First it was, in relationship to denying Nancy Pelosi communion (Newsweek) However, Pope Francis, who is head of the Catholic Church, has previously urged bishops to tread […]

Here We Go: Climate Cult Already Linking End Of Roe To ‘Climate Change’

It really didn’t take them that long at all, because, really, the hardcore abortion supporters are also the hardcore Warmists Roe has been overturned. Here’s my story from this fall in @EENewsUpdates about how climate change will exacerbate abortion access problems in the wake of this decision — Ariel Wittenberg (@ArielWittenberg) June 24, 2022 […]

Brandon Admin Considers Executive Action On Abortion, Gas Production

Remember how Biden yammered about Trump being a dictator and an authoritarian for doing things by executive order? How’s that working out? Bracing for the End of Roe v. Wade, the White House Weighs Executive Actions President Biden’s top aides are weighing whether he can or should take a series of executive actions to help […]

Business Insider Thinks Women Will Quit The Workplace Over Ending Roe v Wade

Sure, there are some women who are obsessed with the ability to have an abortion at the drop of a pin, forgetting about this thing called contraception. And personal responsibility. Having responsible sex. But, how many women consider abortion the Most Important Thing Ever, to the point they will quit their job and move to […]

House Passes Two Bills On Baby Formula

This should solve it, right? The problem the White House says they knew about and were working on since February? House Democrats release $28M bill to address baby formula shortage House Democrats on Tuesday proposed an emergency funding bill that would give the Food and Drug Administration $28 million to address the nationwide baby formula shortage. […]

DHS Memo Worries About Violence From Both Sides Over Roe

Right, right, “both sides” Internal DHS memo warns about threats from extremists on both sides of abortion issue after Roe v. Wade leak An internal Department of Homeland Security memo warns about rising threats from abortion rights extremists on both sides after the leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, according to […]

Pirate's Cove