Category Archives: Current Affairs

Who’s Up For $300 A Month Government Gasoline Vouchers?

What could possibly go wrong with this scheme? Gasoline vouchers worth $300 a month? Some economists back new government aid as prices at the pump soar As the Democratic party administration in Washington struggles to find effective ways to fight high inflation, some economists are calling for lawmakers deliver new assistance for Americans dealing with […]

Good News: Global Wheat, Other Staple Food Prices Spiking, Too

Well, this is one you can’t really blame on Brandon, except in his mishandling of Russia, kinda daring Putin to invade Ukraine. You probably haven’t heard much of this, but, you might have noticed that some bread products are in low supply or missing. I love bagels. The plain Lidl brand are in short supply, […]

Brandon Admin Super Excited To Reduce Your Fossil Fuels Usage

At this point, it rather makes me wonder if this is a case of Brandon and other Warmists taking advantage of the economic situation with high gas prices, or if they worked to actually cause it. Because Biden worked from day one to hurt the oil production industry, and then seemingly pushed Putin into invading […]

Capitol Police Declare “State Of Emergency” Over Protest By Truckers

Interestingly, this never occurred during all the George Floyd and other BLM/Antifa protests, which led to arson, violence, and looting. But, some truckers just driving around and wanting to meet with their Representatives, invoking their Rights of Free Speech, petition for redress of grievance, and protesting peaceably, drives Democrats crazy, because these truckers are protesting […]

74% Of Americans Want No Fly Zone, Leading To WWIII

Critical thinking is not something being taught in government schools From the link Some 74% of Americans – including solid majorities of Republicans and Democrats – said the United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should impose a no-fly zone in Ukraine, the poll found. An equally bipartisan 80% of […]

Good Grief, Now They’re Advocating Giving Ukraine Three Squadrons Of A-10s

There have been lots of memes about the coming WWIII. We’ve had people, such as Excitable Adam Kinzinger, push for a no fly zone. I certainly agree with Vox that it would be a monumentally bad idea. Thankfully, NATO and Let’s Go Brandon agree. Sending all those troops over to Europe isn’t the brightest idea. […]

After Working Hard To Help Make Ukraine Happen, Media Working To Make Nuclear War Happen

We all know that the news has always in the corner of “if it bleeds, it leads.” And they like to fear-monger, be apoplectic, ramp up the doom and gloom. That might not be the best thing to do in this case, starting with the Washington Post The Ukraine crisis is now a nuclear crisis […]

Biden Admin Finally Slaps Sanctions On All Russian Central Bank Assets

Finally catching up to Europe US effectively freezes Russian central bank assets held by Americans The U.S. said it is blocking financial transactions of Russian central bank assets, effectively freezing any of those assets held by Americans. The freeze is effective immediately, a senior administration official said in a briefing for reporters on Monday. The […]

Russian, Ukranian Climate Delegates Apologize For War Or Something

This is what the climate cultists really care about, because it is a cult Russian climate delegate apologizes on Ukraine, saying many ’fail to find any justification for the attack’ The head of the Russian delegation at a major United Nations climate meeting apologized Sunday for his country’s invasion of Ukraine, telling hundreds of government ministers and […]

Good News: Most Severe Sanctions Ever Won’t Impact “Flow Of Energy From Russia”

How is this not bigger news? Reuters's @SteveHolland1: "Targeting the Russian energy industry is totally on the table? is that what you are saying, Daleep? WH's Daleep Singh: "What I'm saying that our measures were not designed to disrupt–in any way–the current flow of energy from Russia to the world." — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) […]

Pirate's Cove