Category Archives: Current Affairs

Bummer: Tow Trucks Refuse To Help Ottawa Remove Freedom Truckers Trucks

Blue collar folks refusing to help The Man go after other Blue Collar folks Ottawa officials say towing companies are refusing to move the Canadian truckers protesting vaccine mandates in the city’s streets Ottawa city officials say towing companies contracted to work with the city are refusing to move vehicles used in the protests by […]

Canadian Court Ignores Constitution, Shuts Down Truck Horns

See, in Canada they have this thing called the Declaration of Rights, which provides for peaceful protest and petitioning for redress of grievance, just like here. But, the Powers That Be couldn’t care less about the rights of the plebes if they get in the way Canada court silences protesters’ horns, police seize fuel Police […]

Canadian Government Getting Very Upset Over Freedom Truckers, Declare State Of Emergency

See, if this was a BLM/Antifa/Progressive mostly peaceful protest, with the accompanying violence, arson, destroying businesses, looting, and so forth, the government would be fine, since it wouldn’t be challenging the power of the government Canada police seen getting tough as trucker protests continue As the protest against the Canadian government’s health measures and vaccine […]

Washington Post: Those Freedom Trucker Protests Are Increasingly Dangerous, You Know

There’s been quite a bit of invective thrown towards the freedom truckers. It’s nothing unusual, as anyone who opposes the Left is branded. Racist, sexist, homophobes, etc, are the norm. The truckers are being branded as Nazis, Fascists, authoritarians, even terrorists. The Left, including the Canadian elites, want to deploy the military to stop the […]

Supreme Court Justice Breyer Likely Retiring, Likely To Be Replaced With Another Hardcore Liberal

Justice Stephen Breyer is reportedly mad that it was leaked, because he wasn’t ready to announce his retirement till summer, but, now it’s out there Sen. Lindsey Graham says Democrats will likely be able to replace Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer without any Republican support: ‘Elections have consequences’ Following reports that liberal Supreme Court Justice […]

Brandon-Harris Admin Seems Fine With EU Getting Fossil Fuels If Russia Invades Ukraine

The BHA is doing all they can to reduce fossil fuels usage here in the U.S., but, for Europe? They’re good with that, I guess because Brandon showed a lot of weakness and empowered Putin to think that invading Ukraine is fine US putting together ‘global’ strategy to increase gas production if Russia invades Ukraine, […]

Mother Jones: Say, You Know That They Senate Is Un-Democratic, Right?

Senior Reporter for Mother Jones, Tim Murphy, proves once again that our education system is completely failing to teach people how the US federal republic system actually works Monster: The Completely Useless and Undemocratic US Senate In the early hours of January 6, in that impossibly brief window between the Georgia special elections and the […]

China And Russia Playing Nice Is A Challenge For Biden Or Something

Now, just image the type of headline this would have if Trump was derelict in his duties in regards to China and Russia, blowing off the danger, creating situations which they would take advantage of. How it would be doom, and that Congress should investigate Warming relations between Russia and China pose challenge for Biden […]

Pentagon Trots Out New Definition Of Extremism, Targets Wrongthing

Wrongthink by Conservatives, of course Pentagon has new definition for extremism in the ranks The Pentagon on Monday issued a new definition of prohibited extremist activities providing military commanders with specific information that will help them determine whether service members are actively participating in extremist activities. Commanders will also receive specific guidance for what to look for […]

Brandon Pushes Gun Control On 9th Anniversary Of Sandy Hook Or Something

None of this would have stopped the nutjob who shot up the school, nor most shootings. But, the tragedy 9 years ago was a method to push his Build Back Better idiocy, which has been postponed till next year, and might never see a vote at this point Biden pushes gun control agenda on ninth […]

Pirate's Cove