June 8, 2016 – 8:15 am
Wise government would institute rules that protect people without causing pain to those being “protected”, nor would it go overboard in creating problems where they did not exist. Obviously, government has often done a poor job of this, none more than the Obama administration, which doesn’t seem to understand “restraint” (Kiplinger) A controversial new rule […]
June 4, 2016 – 7:34 am
Have you ever visited the White House? It’s surrounded by a tall fence, separating Los Presidente from the citizenry. If you attempt to go over it, so you can wander the grounds, view the beautiful flowers, and walk barefoot in the well maintained grass, perhaps head inside for a sandwich, well, you’ll be arrested and […]
June 1, 2016 – 7:43 am
Obama trots out some duckspeak regarding hurricanes (MRCTV) Pres. Obama called for every American to put together a disaster supply kit and evacuation plan because climate change is bringing “more powerful and more devastating†hurricanes to the U.S. – even though the U.S. hasn’t been hit with a major hurricane in more than a decade. […]
May 29, 2016 – 7:38 am
It’s obviously a rhetorical question as Obama continues his apology tour (CNN) Donald Trump on Saturday questioned why President Barack Obama didn’t mention the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor during his trip this week to Japan. “Does President Obama ever discuss the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor while he’s in Japan? Thousands of American lives […]
May 25, 2016 – 7:36 am
Recently, liberal groups were aghast that Congress did not pony up as much money as they wanted in order to deal with Zika. But, they weren’t as upset about this (Daily Caller) Â The Obama administration has taken $500 million appropriated by Congress to fight the Zika virus to fund the United Nations Green Climate Fund, […]
May 21, 2016 – 7:56 am
We’ve already seen the news that Team Obama plans on changing OT rules for salaried private sector employees, utterly failing to understand that things do not stay the same in response to government regulations. Today, O speaks on this (White House) Things like the 40-hour workweek and overtime are two of the most basic pillars […]
May 18, 2016 – 8:40 am
It’s laudable that Team Obama is attempting to increase wages for workers. Too bad they have no idea what they’re doing, because most of them, including O, have never worked in the private sector and never had to balance a spreadsheet, have never had to pay workers, never looked at a profit/loss sheet (Money) If […]
May 16, 2016 – 7:02 am
When you invite one of the nastiest, most abusive politicians in all of American history to be your commencement speaker, expect him to be nasty (AP) President Barack Obama on Sunday urged college graduates to shun those who want to confront a rapidly changing world by building walls around the United States or by embracing […]
May 13, 2016 – 6:55 am
Obama is once again imposing his hardcore leftist vision on America, to the detriment of females who are actually biologically female. Once again, I’ll note this from Todd Starnes Fox Business anchor Trish Regan asked a profound question on her show this week regarding the transgender bathroom controversy that has gripped the nation. “What about […]
April 29, 2016 – 6:55 am
Remember, Hillary wants to continue with similar economic policies if she becomes president (Washington Post) The White House labored Thursday to explain a first-quarter economic report showing the weakest growth in two years, even as President Obama was trumpeting his mastery of the economy in a New York Times Magazine interview. The Department of Commerce […]