Category Archives: Barry Obama

Obama Admits He Has World’s Largest Carbon Footprint

You might remember me referring to Obama as “Man with world’s largest carbon footprint” numerous times. Obama admits I’m correct (Weekly Standard) President Obama once “ruefully” admitted to staff that he personally is the planet’s largest source of carbon emissions, according to an anecdote published in The Atlantic. The brief aside was mentioned by author […]

Obama To Meet With GOP On Filling SCOTUS Vacancy, Forgetting One Thing

Can you guess what that one thing, which is pretty big, is? (Reuters) U.S. President Barack Obama will press Senate Republican leaders on Tuesday to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, despite Republican vows to not to act on anyone he nominates. Obama is slated to […]

Obama: Solar And Wind Not Reliable Without A Storage

Now he tells us (via Climate Depot) PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Thanks to the investments we made in the Recovery Act we’ve seen huge gains in our advanced battery industry. Because, solar and wind don’t work unless we’ve got good ways to store power when the sun’s out or the winds blowing so that it can be […]

After 7 Years In Office, Obama Finally To Offer Plan On Closing Gitmo

Obama’s first act as POTUS was to sign an Executive Order to find a way to close Guantanamo Bay detention facility. What happened after that is that Obama learned that just because the Emperor makes a statement doesn’t mean everyone else in government will jump to make it happen. And, when Obama failed to provide […]

GOP Opposition To Obama On Supreme Court Racist Or Something

You knew this was coming, right? The appearance of the raaaaacism card was such a sure thing that Vegas wouldn’t set a line. First up, we have Hillary (via Twitchy) WATCH: @HillaryClinton: GOP obstruction of @POTUS' nominating power in keeping with "coded racial language." — ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) February 16, 2016 Nice bit […]

Surprise? Obama Misses Deadline For ISIS Strategy

One does have to wonder why anyone would possibly think Obama would be on time for releasing an ISIS strategy. About the only thing he’s ever on time for are non-governmental duties, such as golf outings, fundraisers, and vacations (Daily Caller) The Obama Administration’s deadline to present a plan to defeat Islamic State to Congress […]

Uber-divisive President Calls For Civility In Politics

This is not a repeat of a post from the other day. This is Obama’s weekly address (The Hill) President Obama is pushing for greater civility in politics while acknowledging the harsh rhetoric that has so far dominated political discourse in the final year of his presidency. “My faith in the generosity and fundamental goodness […]

Super-divisive President Moans About Partisanship

Let’s not forget, this is a guy who, almost immediately upon winning the presidency and taking office, told John McCain, who he defeated, “I won”, and said pretty much the same thing to Congressional Republicans, who were in the minority at the time. That set the tone for the rest of his presidency, where he […]

Can You Guess How Much Of Obama’s Budget Goes To “Payments To Individuals”?

Of course, Obama’s budget is going absolutely nowhere. The GOP isn’t even going to bother sending it to committee. Why would they? Everytime it has been given a vote it goes down in flames, with even the vast majority of Democrats voting against his budgets. In fact, when the GOP forces a vote on Obama’s […]

Supreme Court Puts Temporary Block On Obama’s Power Plant Regulations

Yet another Obama initiative put in place with his pen, an attempt to do an end run around the duly elected law making branch, knocked out by the court system (Fox News) A divided Supreme Court on Tuesday abruptly halted President Obama’s controversial new power plant regulations, dealing a blow to the administration’s sweeping plan […]

Pirate's Cove