January 13, 2016 – 7:57 am
No, I did not watch the State Of The Union. NJ Devils hockey was on. If it wasn’t, I would have watched Masterchef Canada. And don’t you dare tell me who won! I did not watch all of Bush’s, either. But, no matter what, I had no intention of watching a snippy man lecture the […]
January 12, 2016 – 10:22 am
This coming from a guy whose presidency has been all about himself and his celebrity, what with the constant social media appearances, going on talk shows numerous times, giving interviews to non-serious news folks. Heck, remember the Greek columns during his coronation as Democratic Party nominee in 2008? (Newsmax) President Barack Obama says Donald Trump […]
January 11, 2016 – 7:49 am
And he plans on acting the elder statesman afterwards. Here’s your morning laugh-riot article (Politico) People inside the West Wing have a vision of President Barack Obama’s 2016: he’ll take on the role that Bill Clinton played for him in 2012, the elder statesman and battering ram, laying out a fact- and figure-based case for […]
January 10, 2016 – 8:16 am
Here’s something that’s fraught for hashtag takeover (Fox News) President Obama will keep an empty seat next to the first lady on Tuesday when he gives his State of the Union address, to represent victims of gun violence, according to the White House. Obama, who is trying to reduce gun violence by issuing a series […]
January 8, 2016 – 6:56 am
Obviously, after Obama’s little town hall thing on CNN, where Obama told a rape survivor that owning a gun could lead to a tragic accident….say, doesn’t that mean that Obama is in a lot of danger from all the guns surrounding him?…, there will be lots of opinion pieces from the Compliant Media. The NY […]
January 6, 2016 – 7:51 am
I noted yesterday that Obama’s new “gun control” regime would pretty much have a statistically insignificant effect on “gun violence”. Ed Morrissey called them a “restatement of existing law”, and that they “aren’t exercises in executive power; they’re admissions of incompetent governance.” Allahpundit notes they are empty gestures, and points to Charles W. Cooke, who […]
January 5, 2016 – 6:59 am
As I wrote yesterday, this is box checking by Obama, some red meat thrown to his gun grabby base. It really ends up being very little adoo over nothing, a 1 ounce bit of steak when Progressives expected a 16oz T-bone (White House) Gun violence has taken a heartbreaking toll on too many communities across […]
January 4, 2016 – 3:19 pm
Let’s remember, Mr. Obama is constantly surrounded by armed men and women, many of whom are carrying weapons that the average citizen is not legally allowed to own without a super deluxe permit from the US Government, and most people who want that permit will be denied (automatic weapons). Yet, he wants to deny you […]
January 1, 2016 – 8:55 am
I did not want to make the headline really long, so I left out “with no force of law and no legally binding requirements” (CNS News) Secretary of State John Kerry says the climate change deal he helped broker in Paris was the Obama administration’s most “important†accomplishment in 2015. “As one year gives way […]
December 26, 2015 – 7:31 am
He takes the subtle route, while also appearing to tell everyone to stop being (supposedly) mean to Islamists (The Hill) President Obama urged Americans to follow Jesus Christ’s example of charity and compassion in his annual Christmas greeting. “Today, like millions of Americans and Christians around the world, our family celebrates the birth of Jesus […]