Category Archives: Barry Obama

Obama Only Wants Tiny Part Of Any Climate Deal To Be Legally Binding

Mr. Obama took a long, massive fossil fueled trip to Paris for just a short 2 days, before jetting out. Any climate deal is supposed to be part of his “legacy”. Any deal is supposed to save the planet from certain doom. He thinks if we don’t Do Something fish will be swimming in the […]

Former Head Of DIA Claims Team Obama Ignorned Rise Of ISIS Intelligence

Why would they do that? Politics. Listening might have caused issues with Obama’s re-election (CNN) President Barack Obama’s former top military intelligence official said Tuesday that the White House ignored reports prefacing the rise of ISIS in 2011 and 2012 because they did not fit their re-election “narrative.” “I think that they did not meet […]

Man With Outsized Carbon Footprint Says Paris Is A Turning Point In Fighting ‘Climate Change’

Mr. Obama’s carbon footprint was once reckoned to be 44,000 metric tons a year. Compare that to the average for Americans of around 19mt a year. The global average is around 3mt. His Earth Day flight to Florida put out more “carbon pollution” than 17 cars driving for a year. This is a man who […]

Climate Change Can Totally Be Obama’s Hallmark Or Something

The big working vacation regarding ‘climate change’ in lovely lovers vacation spot of Paris will begin in just a few days, so, we can expect most of the compliant media (which uses vast amounts of energy and fossil fuels to gather and broadcast the “news”) to yammer on about climate change and how Things Must […]

Obama Seems Upset That Someone Dared Jump His Fence Illegally

Good thing there were lots of people armed with firearms to stop him (NY Post) A man jumped the White House fence on Thursday afternoon while the first family was inside celebrating Thanksgiving. Joseph Caputo, who was wearing an American flag around his shoulders, raised a binder in the air as he stood triumphantly on […]

Surprise: Iran Dean Not Binding And They Didn’t Sign It

Have you heard this one yet? (Daily Mail) The Obama administration has disclosed to Congress that this summer’s controversial nuclear arms agreement with Iran was never signed and is not legally binding, according to a new report this week. The State Department made the disclosures in a letter to Kansas congressman Mike Pompeo, a Republican, who had written the […]

Obama Very Concerned Over Shooting Of Laquan McDonald

Obama takes to Facebook (because there’s apparently no other outlet for him to opine) Like many Americans, I was deeply disturbed by the footage of the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. This Thanksgiving, I ask everybody to keep those who’ve suffered tragic loss in our thoughts and prayers, and to be thankful for the […]

Obama: Climate Change Conference A Rebuke To Murderous Terrorist Scum

And he surely wonders why his polls on fighting terrorism are dropping like a stone. ISIS is, sadly, laughing their heads off at this man who is divorced from reality Obama: U.N. Climate Change Conference Will Be 'Powerful Rebuke to the Terrorists' (VIDEO) — Mediaite (@Mediaite) November 24, 2015 From the link “Next […]

Obama Says He’s Personally Going To Destroy ISIS

Because that’s the kind of guy he is, per reports from the AP and Reuters (note: I had to flip between multiple reports to dig into the whole story of his remarks) (Haaretz) U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday said the United States and its allies would not relent in its fight to combat Islamic […]

House Overwhelmingly Votes To Require Better Vetting Of Refugees

The LA Times tries a little bit misdirection. …oh, who am I kidding, their headine and first paragraph is a bald face partisan lie, unless… Tapping heightened safety concerns after the Paris terror attacks, House Republicans — joined overwhelmingly by Democrats — approved legislation Thursday effectively halting the resettlement of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the U.S. That’s designed […]

Pirate's Cove