Category Archives: Barry Obama

Obama: Climate Change Is More Important Than Putin

So much so that Obama will continuously take lots of fossil fueled travel to fundraisers and golf outings (WND) President Obama said during a nationally televised interview on “60 Minutes” on CBS News he didn’t think Hillary Clinton’s private email server was a threat to America’s security – that she simply made a mistake. He […]

Obama Considers Issuing Executive Order On Gun Purchases That Would Solve Nothing

Liberals have never met a gun control idea that they don’t like, as long as it is one that only affects those who are law abiding citizens who do not use their guns in a criminal manner. Going after those who actually use guns criminally or may use them criminally? Please. Any sort of law […]

Obama’s West Coast Trip Totally About Comfort Post UCC Shooting. And Fundraising

The family of Kate Steinle, who was murdered by a 6 time deported illegal alien who had been convicted of multiple felonies and used a handgun stolen from a federal agent, is still waiting for their condolences from Mr. Obama, as are the families of those killed and injured by the guns Obama’s DOJ ran […]

Washington Post: Putin Forcing Obama To Act Or Yield In Syria

I wonder which way Obama will jump? Russia’s Syria intervention may force choice on Obama: Act or yield Russia’s military moves in Syria are fundamentally changing the face of the country’s civil war, putting President Bashar al-Assad back on his feet, and may complicate the Obama administration’s plans to expand its air operations against the […]

Obama To Meet With UCC Shooting Families – Still No Contact With Kate Steinle’s Family

As Mr. Obama is preparing for more executive action on guns, which will surely only affect the law abiding citizens, rather than the criminals who use guns (hey, how are things in your hometown of Chicago, PBO?), he’s going to use the families of those killed by Christopher Harper-Mercer as political props (Breitbart) President Barack […]

Obama Admin. Says They Totally Won’t Be Bullied By Russia

Too late for that (Washington Post) Blindsided by the unexpected swiftness of Russia’s air attacks in Syria, the Obama administration scrambled Wednesday to retake the diplomatic and military initiatives, saying that it would not be bullied into supporting President Bashar al-Assad and that it was about to significantly expand its own Syrian air operations. After […]

Russia Tells Obama To Stop All Military Flights Over Syria

Is this “leading from behind”? (Fox News) Russian officials have demanded that American warplanes exit Syrian airspace immediately, a senior U.S. official told Fox News early Wendesday. The official told Fox News that Russian diplomats sent an official demarche ordering U.S. planes out of Syria, adding that Russian fighter jets were now flying over Syrian […]

Man Who Lives Behind Layers Of Security Whines About Building Border Wall

When push comes to shove, never bet against Mr. Obama demeaning Americans and America, especially when speaking in front of the United Nations. Powerline writes of his whole speech “The tone is professorial, patronizing, obnoxious, and unmanly.” It’s just Obama being Obama (Breitbart) President Obama, who appears increasingly annoyed by presidential candidate Donald Trump, pointedly […]

Obama Says Religious Freedom No Reason To Deny Others Their Manufactured Rights

Perhaps Mr. Obama should actually take a look at the Constitution now and then, because it doesn’t mean what he thinks it means (CBS News) Freedom of religion isn’t reason enough to deny any American their constitutional rights, President Barack Obama said Sunday as he addressed members of the LGBT community, one of his major […]

Man With Largest Carbon Footprint In World Says He Should Have Acted Sooner On “Climate Change”

On the bright side, he’s not taking a long fossil fueled trip this weekend, as China’s president is in town (The Hill) President Obama says he should have “moved faster to a nonlegislative strategy” to address climate change after Congress killed cap-and-trade legislation in 2009. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Obama criticized “folks like John […]

Pirate's Cove