Category Archives: Barry Obama

White House Invites Kid Arrested For Making Homemade Clock: What Of Kate Steinle’s Parents?

Imagine that. Obama even called the clock “cool” in a tweet, though it’s doubtful the Secret Service would approve (Bloomberg) Ahmed Mohamed thought he was building a clock, but it turned out to be a magnet for fear and misunderstanding. Now he’s got an invitation to tell his story at the White House. President Barack […]

Surprise: Only 10% Think Iran Won’t Break Agreement

Heck of a job there, Barry and John! (CNN) President Barack Obama’s big policy win this week — preventing Congress from blocking the nuclear agreement with Iran — may do little to improve his sagging approval ratings. Apparently, shutting down debate is a “big policy win”, as is making sure your party is on the […]

Funny Story Of Day: Obama Wags Finger At Putin, Warns Against Russian Involvement In Syria

Why not start Saturday off with a good chuckle? (Fox News) President Barack Obama warned Russia on Friday against doubling down on sending support for Syrian President Bashar Assad, casting recent buildup of Russian military equipment and personnel in Syria in an effort to help prop up the embattled leader. “The strategy they’re pursuing right […]

Iran Deal Could Be Void Without Inclusion Of Side Deals

There’s something very interesting in the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review act, beyond the notion that it turned the typical, and Constitutional, method of the Senate approving all treaties and deals on its head, and that it could be null and void since the agreement is very different from what the INAR was all about. It […]

NY Post: Republicans Have A Duty To Force Debate On Iran Deal

On one hand, you have the NY Times lauding Obama for his “coordinated strategy” in obtaining the 34th Democratic Senator’s support in order to make sure that any vote in favor of defeating the Iran deal can be squashed by veto. On the other you have the NY Post, in which their Editorial Board calls […]

Man With Giant Carbon Footprint Visits Glacier, Tells Us We’re Doomed

As you might be aware, Mr. Obama took a long, fossil fueled trip to Alaska to complain about ‘climate change’. This has made many in the Cult of Climastrology squee, and proclaim the doom, such as the NY Times Editorial Board, which focuses on Obama proclaiming that “we’re not acting fast enough”, that the message […]

Obama Claims It’s Almost To Late Do Something About Hotcoldwetdry

So, in order to fix this, he took a long, long fossil fueled flight to Alaska, accompanied by a backup jumbo jet and military fighter jets, followed by multiple huge caravans of fossil fueled vehicles (USA Today) President Obama made an ever-more-urgent plea for nations to take action to address climate change Monday, repeatedly telling […]

NY Post Recommends Senate “Go Nuclear” On Obama’s Iran Deal

Why would the NY Post Editorial Board recommend this? The obscene drive to avoid any Senate vote on the Iran deal Whether to approve the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran is the most important question to face Congress in years — yet the president wants to stop the Senate from even debating it. He’s pushing […]

Obama Expects US-ISRAEL Relations To Get Better Because Of Th3 Iran Deal

Well, on one hand, he’s right: if a Republican wins, they will toast the deal and make our relations better, which won’t be that hard after Obama has destroyed that relationship (AP) President Barack Obama on Friday compared tensions between the U.S. and Israel over the Iranian nuclear deal to a family feud and said […]

Man With Largest Carbon Footprint In World Says ‘Climate Change’ Is A Threat Right Now

Let’s be perfectly clear: climate change is real. It always happens. What’s not real is the cult-like belief that it is mostly/solely caused by the works of Mankind. And, certainly, if it was so darned anthropogenic, Obama would not have just take a long fossil fueled flight to New Orleans for the 10th anniversary of […]

Pirate's Cove