May 13, 2015 – 7:01 am
Barack is learning about the kind of treatment Conservatives/Republicans typically receive from Liberals (The Hill) National Organization for Women (NOW) president Terry O’Neill on Wednesday called President Obama’s critique of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sexist. O’Neill told The Hill she took issue with Obama calling Warren by her first name during an interview with Yahoo […]
April 22, 2015 – 3:11 pm
Just remember, The Obama Administration really like super cares about Americans Americans Trapped in Yemen? U.S. Says ‘Good Luck’ ….. Yet, the tone from White House and State Department spokespeople when asked by reporters about the lack of action has often seemed dismissive; the official response has been to point to previous State Department travel […]
April 18, 2015 – 7:53 am
I wish that headline was a joke or over-the-top Conservative rhetoric. Alas, no, as the NY Times tells us Obama Urges ‘Creative’ Talks to Bridge Divide With Iran on Sanctions President Obama on Friday directed his diplomats to use “creative negotiations†to bridge a sharp divide with Iran over the fate of sanctions if it […]
April 8, 2015 – 10:37 am
For health reasons or something (ABC News) President Obama says that climate change became a personal issue for him when his older daughter Malia, now 16, was rushed to the emergency room with an asthma attack when she was just a toddler. “Well you know Malia had asthma when she was 4 and because we […]
April 8, 2015 – 7:11 am
The judge even uses Obama’s own words against Obama (via The Lonely Conservative) (Washington Times) President Obama’s new deportation amnesty will remain halted, a federal judge in Texas ruled Tuesday night in an order that also delivered a judicial spanking to the president’s lawyers for misleading the court. Judge Andrew S. Hanen, who first halted […]
April 7, 2015 – 6:51 am
Chuck Schumer will probably be the recipient of a Justice Department probe, ala Bob Menendez (not that Menendez may be totally innocent: question the timing) (Politico) Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, one of Capitol Hill’s most influential voices in the Iran nuclear debate, is strongly endorsing passage of a law opposed by President Barack Obama that […]
April 4, 2015 – 7:37 am
He really wants one. Which, of course, means he wants everyone to shut the hell up, and he’ll trot out lots of strawmen and Blamestorming (The Hill) President Obama said he expects a “robust debate†about the budding deal with Iran over its nuclear program and fervently defended the draft accord. “Here in the United […]
April 3, 2015 – 7:45 am
Nothing says “clean energy” like a long fossil fueled flight, accompanied by other fossil fueled aircraft, followed by multiple trips to and fro in a fossil fueled limo accompanied by 17 or so other fossil fueled vehicles (Salt Lake Tribune) President Barack Obama will stress the importance of investing in clean-energy technology and training workers […]
April 2, 2015 – 7:51 am
Leftists love to yammer on about “direct democracy” and involvement by all citizens. As long as those citizens toe the line (Daily Caller) White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday that senators who “deny†man-made global warming probably shouldn’t have any say over an international agreement to cut carbon dioxide emissions. “Well these are […]
April 1, 2015 – 7:17 am
Yesterday I mentioned that Team Obama was going to release a plan, which is less a plan than a rough outline (White House) Building on the strong progress made under President Obama to curb the emissions that are driving climate change and lead on the international stage, today the United States submitted its target to […]