March 31, 2015 – 9:26 am
Over the weekend Barack Obama jetted off to Florida to play some golf, which required multiple helicopter rides, several jumbo jets, and lots of fossil fueled vehicles to cart him around to and fro. Now we learn Obama to Offer Major Blueprint on Climate Change The White House on Tuesday morning is expected to unveil […]
March 30, 2015 – 7:15 am
The White House is desperate to get a deal, any deal, done (The Hill) White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Sunday that he is optimistic that the Obama administration can reach a nuclear deal with Iran by Tuesday’s self-imposed deadline. Earnest said that the deadline will be met if a deal is “doable,†[…]
March 27, 2015 – 7:16 am
Surprise? (Washington Free Beacon) The Obama administration is giving in to Iranian demands about the scope of its nuclear program as negotiators work to finalize a framework agreement in the coming days, according to sources familiar with the administration’s position in the negotiations. U.S. negotiators are said to have given up ground on demands that […]
March 26, 2015 – 6:49 am
Provided it, you know, actually happens. As there is a wide difference in what each side wants. ‘Distrust and Verify’: How Obama will sell an Iran deal to America, Congress and the world The White House is gearing up to unleash an unprecedented campaign to sell a nuclear deal with Iran, should President Obama secure […]
March 25, 2015 – 2:49 pm
Remember when Obama was touting Yemen as a success story? The collapse of that narrative continues (Fox News) Yemen’s embattled president has reportedly fled his home in Aden Wednesday to an undisclosed location at Shiite rebels near his last refuge Officials told The Associated Press about the president hours after the television station owned by […]
March 25, 2015 – 7:29 am
As the sands of time run down on the Obama administration, he and his peeps are dead set on creating a deal with Iran, any deal, doesn’t matter what. They’re working hard to cement Obama in the same mold of foreign policy incompetence as Jimmy Carter and Neville Chamberlain (Washington Post) The head of the […]
March 22, 2015 – 8:18 am
When it comes to ISIS, this should very much be taken as a clear and present threat (UK Daily Mail) A division of ISIS published a ‘kill list’ containing the names, photos and addresses of 100 US military members online and called upon its ‘brothers residing in America’ to kill them. The list was posted […]
March 20, 2015 – 9:59 am
Following up on yesterday’s post regarding Obama ordering the Central Government to reduce its carbon footprint, we get from the official White House website Leading by Example on Climate Change: Our New Federal Sustainability Plan Late last year, in an historic joint announcement with China, President Obama set an ambitious goal for reducing the greenhouse […]
March 19, 2015 – 3:51 pm
Remember, Obama is constantly jumping in Air Force One to take cross country trips, along with his massive motorcades, to attend constant fundraisers. He and his family will often take separate planes for trips and vacations. He constantly takes large motorcades weekly to play golf, which is doubly bad for “climate change”. He has the […]
March 19, 2015 – 7:03 am
There’s an old saying: it’s not personal, it’s politics. Another one is politicians need to have thick skins. There’s another from Groucho Marx that says Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. That last one doesn’t necessarily apply, but it does highlight one […]