March 17, 2015 – 8:13 am
All to make sure that people who broke federal law, either by coming to the country illegally or overstaying their visas, can take jobs from Americans, soak up our “safety net” programs, and keep wages low, among others (CNS News) If President Barack Obama’s immigration plan gets past a federal court injunction, and if 60 […]
March 17, 2015 – 7:53 am
They should worry more about “climate change”, and things over which the Obama administration has shown their utter lack of competence (Breitbart) President Obama discussed the legalization of marijuana during an interview with VICE News, but lectured young people, suggesting that they should be more worried about other problems in the world. VICE CEO Shane Smith noted […]
March 15, 2015 – 8:32 am
The NY Post’s Edward Klein files this exclusive, which, based on the history of Obama and his team, especially when it comes to vindictiveness, seems entirely probable and possible Obama adviser behind leak of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal It’s the vast left-wing conspiracy. Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary […]
March 10, 2015 – 6:47 am
If only. Here’s the Washington Post’s Paul Waldman It’s safe to say that no president in modern times has had his legitimacy questioned by the opposition party as much as Barack Obama. It’s as if Waldman, and all the Democrats who believe that claptrap, forgot about the 8 years George W. Bush spent as POTUS. […]
March 2, 2015 – 6:24 pm
As Steven Goddard notes, “he spent 6 years telling us it was about global warming”. Obama: “I’m happy to look at how we can increase pipeline production for U.S. oil, but Keystone is for Canadian oil." — Amy Harder (@AmyAHarder) March 2, 2015 “Part of the reason North Dakota has done so well is […]
February 27, 2015 – 3:35 pm
However, he seems totally psyched to have the Central Government out in place regulations and rules via unelected bureaucrats (Kuntsevo Dacha) More than any other invention of our time, the Internet has unlocked possibilities we could just barely imagine a generation ago. And here’s a big reason we’ve seen such incredible growth and innovation: Most […]
February 26, 2015 – 7:30 am
Hey, why not? He’s threatened and insulted a good portion of the citizens of the United States (not too mention citizens of other nations), why should federal law enforcement be ignored? (Weekly Standard) President Obama warned workers at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: implement executive amnesty, or else. He made the comments in a […]
February 24, 2015 – 6:17 pm
It doesn’t get more ironic than this, and took some serious hutzpah (via Hot Air) As Allahpundit notes The bit about “circumventing longstanding processes†is a reference to the loooooooong State Department review — six years and counting — of whether Keystone, which would create more than 40,000 jobs during its construction, is in the “national […]
February 24, 2015 – 7:32 am
Obama’s Big Libyan Adventure is working out so well. Much like how Obama and his team have messed up Iraq and blew it with Iran’s Green uprising and the Arab Spring (Breitbart) In an exclusive interview with David Webb, a Breitbart News contributor and SiriusXM Patriot channel talk show host, Libyan Diplomat Dr. Aref Nayed, […]
February 24, 2015 – 7:06 am
If only Team Obama would fight against ISIS and for a vibrant US economy as hard as they fight for illegal aliens, who take jobs away from Americans, commit crimes (ranging from theft, rape, murder, vehicular homicide, assault, property crimes, identity theft, etc), lower the working wage, and soak up our tax money via social […]