Category Archives: Barry Obama

DHS Head Johnson: “Violent Extremism” Phrase Came From Muslim Leaders

This would be at Obama’s little summit, which excluded a group of reform Muslims. One which opened with a Muslim prayer, and no prayers from other religions. One which featured Muslims who defended terror groups. (Fox News) Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said on Sunday that President Obama’s decision not to say the actions of […]

Good News: Obama Admin. Provides Enemy Our Plan To Retake Mosul From ISIS

Isn’t it normal to release our plans? Didn’t Washington alert the Redcoats about his plan to cross the Delaware? And we gave the Japanese advance warning about our plans to retake the Philippines, right? (Fox News) Top Republican senators Friday demanded answers after a military official revealed “detailed operational information” about a looming Iraqi mission […]

Team Obama Really Wants To Know The Solution To Countering Violent Extremism Which Won’t Be Named

No, really. Here’s the official blog of the Department Of State, called DIPNOTE, a term that is probably only ironic to me, since we called stupid people dips where I grew up on the Jersey Shore What Solutions Do You Think Are Most Critical To Countering Violent Extremism? This week, the White House hosted a […]

Obama Cites A Strategic Logic For Avoidance In Using Islamic Labels Or Something

It’s probably more like “strategic patience”, which is a phrase for a policy position more akin to “meh”. Like when you know you should really, really get your oil changed, but lying on the couch watching a TV show marathon is oh so comfy (NY Times) President Obama chooses his words with particular care when […]

Can Someone Tell Obama That Even Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Finds That #ChristianLivesMatter?

Obama held a “anti-terrorism summit” this week, and words and phrases like “Islam”, “Muslim”, and “Islamic extremism” were off-limits. Obama and his team have done all they can to refuse to acknowledge that most terroristic acts in the name of religion are being performed in the name of Allah and Mohammed Obama Alone In Ignoring […]

Federal Judge Puts A Temporary Kibosh On Obama’s Immigration Dictate

This has made many Obama supporters Very Angry, because they apparently enjoy allowing 5 million illegal aliens (and then, most likely, millions and millions of family members) to become viable and legal replacements for their jobs, all while deflating wages, sucking up educational and social services resources (NY Times) A federal judge in Texas has […]

Obama Looks To Backdoor Gun Control With AR-15 Ammo Ban

What would you call a guy who is constantly surrounded by men and women carrying guns, from handguns to rifles, yet wants to restrict the ability of citizens to have those same weapons themselves? (Breitbart) A notice from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) shows the agency is considering a ban on […]

Obama Illegal Aliens Program Pretty Much Includes Pathway To Citizenship

We probably shouldn’t be surprised that Team Obama was trying to pull a fast one (Washington Times) The Obama administration quietly told Congress this week that its deportation amnesty programs will, in fact, include a pathway to citizenship, according to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, who said that breaks a promise President Obama made […]

Clueless President Chimes In On Chapel Hill Murders

This incompetent Boob has no clue (WRAL) President Barack Obama expressed outrage Friday over the shooting deaths of three students in Chapel Hill this week. “No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like or how they worship,” Obama said in a statement. […]

Semi-retired President Played With Selfies On Day It Was Confirmed Kayla Mueller Was Killed

Let’s play a game, called “What If Bush Had Done This?” Obama played his little selfie stick Schtick in order to drum up support for Ocare, apparently think that the young people the video was aimed at are idiots. But, consider (Hot Air) But there is more to mourn here than simply the devaluation of […]

Pirate's Cove