Category Archives: Barry Obama

Smart Power: Team Obama Abandons Embassy In Yemen

Well, at least they learned something from the Benghazi affair (Fox News) The State Department announced late Tuesday that the U.S. Embassy in Yemen had been closed and evacuated after much of the country was taken over by Shiite rebels last month. Hours later, Britain and France followed suit and ordered their citizens to leave […]

Man With Largest Footprint In World Thinks “Climate Change” Bigger Threat Than Terrorism

Mr. Obama is a guy who has a massive, giant “carbon footprint”, estimated several years ago to be 41000 metric tons. The average American’s footprint was rated at 19mt, and I doubt that Obama’s has actually gone down. This is a guy who will take a cross-country trip to attend a brief official event before […]

Bobby Jindal Provides Perfect Response To Obama’s Silly Christian Blaming

I’ve said many, many times over the years, and, in particular, over the past few days, that Liberals like to use language designed specifically to deflect from the given subject. They create strawmen, they throw out words and phrases such as “racist!”, “bigot!”, “settled science”, and “Islamophobia”, they attempt to put people on the defense, […]

Great Googly Moogly: Obama’s New Foreign Policy Doctrine Is “Strategic Patience”

This is apparently a real thing (via Twitchy) (Foreign Policy)  Critics of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy have for years assailed his administration for responding too slowly to crises ranging from Syria to Russia. In a far-reaching blueprint released Friday that outlines the administration’s worldview, the White House insisted the United States is leading the […]

Obama Attempts Leftist Moral Equivalency at Prayer Breakfast

He, unshockingly, has a big problem in naming Islamic terrorism and extremism, but does trot out the leftist trope about those evil Christians (AP) President Barack Obama condemned those who seek to use religion as a rationale for carrying out violence around the world, declaring Thursday that “no god condones terror.” “We are summoned to […]

Obama’s Unserious Budget Is Still Mostly About Creating A Fight

I’ve already mentioned several times that Obama’s proposed budget is primarily about creating a fight with not just Congressional Republicans, but all Republicans. More proof (Politico) Obama is using the budget to challenge Republicans on middle-class issues, as well as national security funding. He made his budget pitch during a visit to the Department of […]

Surprise: Libyan Officials Were Very Concerned About Arms Transfers Ending Up In Hands Of Jihadis

Here’s the Obama/Clinton “Smart Power” at work (Washington Times) Libyan officials were deeply concerned in 2011, as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was trying to remove Moammar Gadhafi from power, that weapons were being funneled to NATO-backed rebels with ties to al Qaeda, fearing that well-armed insurgents could create a safe haven for terrorists, […]

Obama Budget Pushes Overseas Corporate Profit Tax

This makes it pretty darned clear that Obama is simply looking to pick a fight with not just Congressional Republicans, but all Republicans and conservatives. The only other option is that he is completely divorced from reality, that he’s a total political hack, that he’s still out of ideas, and has absolutely no idea that […]

Obama Budget Conveniently Blows Off Sequestration

Let’s all remember, Sequestration was very much Obama’s idea in the first place 5 things to know before Obama rolls out his budget Monday Not included in the list, but briefly mentioned, is the notion that Obama looks to be actually planning on releasing his budget in a timely manner, in what would be a […]

Senate Passes Keystone XL In Bipartisan Fashion

The most recent Keystone XL poll from November 2014 has the public favoring the project by a margin of 59% to 31%. 83% of Republicans favor it, as do 58% of independents, while even 43% of Democrats support. So, of course, Obama is dead set against it (NY Times) The Senate passed a bill on […]

Pirate's Cove