Category Archives: Barry Obama

Obama To Push Paid Leave Schtick Again

Even though he cannot run for his office again, he’s still trying to buy votes, much like with his recent community college schtick. Let’s face it, this is also really about attempting to gin up a fight with the GOP controlled Congress. Obama’s first inclination is always to create strife. It’s who he is. Let’s […]

Apparently, No One Asked Most Powerful Man In World If He Wanted To Attend Paris Anti-Terrorism March

Obama’s aides were apparently caught off guard or something White House was out of step as Paris march grew Aides were caught off-guard by Sunday’s event. Wait, White House aides said Sunday, as they saw coverage come in of the anti-terrorism march in Paris — Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is there? Jordan’s King Abdullah? The […]

Keystone XL Bill Clears First Senate Vote

One of Obama’s complaints in saying he would veto any Keystone XL pipeline legislation was that there was a lawsuit pending in Nebraska. That lawsuit was thrown out a few days ago, leading John Boehner to say “President Obama is now out of excuses for blocking the Keystone pipeline and the thousands of American jobs […]

Obama, Shockingly, Misses Paris March, As Does Guy He Sent Really, shouldn’t that chair have wheels? Or be Via Instapundit, who also points to Twitchy, where we also learn CNN just reported Eric Holder did not attend #ParisMarch because he was attending high level meetings. With whom? Everyone was at rally. — Dana French (@DanaBFrench) January 11, 2015

Obama Threatens Veto Of Keystone XL, Going Against The American People

Without even seeing the legislation, Obama has made his position clear (The Hill) The White House said on Tuesday that President Obama would veto legislation that approves construction of the Keystone XL pipeline if it passes Congress. “If this bill passes this Congress the president wouldn’t sign it either,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest […]

Obama Bumps Military Wedding To Play Golf

Even Democrats can’t possibly defend O on this one. If they try, they should just imagine their outrage if we substitute “Bush” for “Obama” (via Twitchy) Barack Obama, wedding crasher: via @bpolitics — Michael C. Bender (@MichaelCBender) December 29, 2014 Natalie Heimel and her fiancé, Edward Mallue Jr., a pair of captains in the […]

Obama Forgets He Has A Phone, Says He’ll Use His Veto Pen

The voting American public became tired of Congressional Democrats, so they gave Republicans control of the Senate and created an even larger majority in the House. Therefore, even before seeing what legislation the GOP may pass, Obama is already threatening to pull out his veto pen. He’s apparently forgotten that he has a phone (actually, […]

On Obama’s Cuba Gamble

Obviously, the big news from Wednesday was the swap of American Alan Gross, imprisoned in Cuba for 5 years, along with a bunch of spies and criminals. Along with that comes a somewhat normalizing relations with the dictatorial “Communist” government of the Castros. Is this a good idea or bad idea? Jazz Shaw makes an […]

Federal Court: Yeah, Obama’s Immigration Plan Is Rather Unconsitutional

The hell you say! (Washington Post) Earlier Tuesday, a federal court in Pennsylvania declared aspects of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration policy unconstitutional. According to the opinion by Judge Arthur Schwab, the president’s policy goes “beyond prosecutorial discretion” in that it provides a relatively rigid framework for considering applications for deferred action, thus obviating any […]

Almost Half The States Now Part Of Lawsuit Against Obama’s Unconstitutional Immigration Order

Recently I noted that there were 16 States suing over Obama’s unilateral executive amnesty. Now… (Fox News Latino by way of AP) Four more states have joined a Texas-led coalition suing the Obama administration over executive action on immigration. The addition of Arkansas, Michigan, North Dakota and Oklahoma brings to 24 the number of states […]

Pirate's Cove