Category Archives: Barry Obama

Say, Did Obama Actually Sign Immigration Executive Order?

I’ve had this article by Jerome Corsi sitting in the Pocket folder for a few days now, which asks an interesting question (WND) Did President Obama just set up Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to be a candidate for impeachment instead of himself if conservatives convince the Republican majorities in the House and […]

Has Obama’s Police Body Camera Policy Taken A Hit?

Let’s start off with the Eric Garner case (NY Post) A Staten Island grand jury cleared an NYPD cop in the chokehold death of Eric Garner during his caught-on-video arrest for peddling loose cigarettes, the Staten Island district attorney confirmed Wednesday. The panel voted a “no-bill” and dismissed all potential charges against Officer Daniel Pantaleo. […]

North Carolina, 15 Other States Join Texas In Suing Obama Over Illegal Aliens Order

Obama’s unlawful executive order telling the government to not enforce the law when it comes to illegal aliens in the U.S. has gotten him sued again (WRAL/AP) North Carolina is part of a 17-state coalition suing over President Barack Obama’s recently announced executive actions on immigration, arguing in a lawsuit filed Wednesday that the move […]

Did IRS Illegally Share Taxpayer Data With White House?

It sure appears that way, since the IRS is defying a court order to turn over documents. It also should come as no surprise that most media outlets have completely ignored this story (Fox News) An IRS watchdog is acknowledging that thousands of documents related to requests between the White House and the tax agency […]

Obama: Ferguson Is Totally Like A National Problem, Throws Police Under Bus

There’s no surprise in any of this. Once a community agitator, always a community agitator. He’s long been a race baiter, and he easily threw the Boston PD under the bus. He quickly takes sides without evidence. He whips up negative sentiments. Now he’s putting the burden on the police for race relations (The Hill) […]

Surprise: Obama Never Thought It Would Be So Hard To Replace U.S. Stewardship Of Internet

Hey, according to Obama the U.S. is just another country, nothing special, so, hey, why not give up control of of the open Internet? As The Lonely Conservative notes “Some day we can tell our kids and grandkids about the time when the internet was free” (WSJ) We’re at the midpoint between the Obama administration’s […]

Obama To Meet With Community Agitators For Ferguson Discussions

Will they be discussing how to keep people who are part of his voting base from rioting and looting and vandalizing and burning cars and buildings? Or simply blaming the police, whipping up the emotions as is typical? (The Hill) President Obama on Monday will focus on the relationship between local police and the communities […]

Obama To Implement More Stringent Ozone Regulations

Amongst the 3415 new regulations Team Obama is quietly implementing, this is one that I actually rather agree with (NY Times)  The Obama administration is expected to release on Wednesday a contentious and long-delayed environmental regulation to curb emissions of ozone, a smog-causing pollutant linked to asthma, heart disease and premature death. The sweeping regulation, […]

Obama Weekly Address: “Not How Our Democracy Works”

Obama’s weekly address Saturday was, unsurprisingly, all about his executive amnesty. He made some of his standard points, then went down an interesting road. Video here, if you can stomach it. Transcript here (via Breitbart) Hi everybody. Today, I’m at Del Sol High School, in Las Vegas, to talk with students and families about immigration. […]

NY Times Super Excited Over Obama’s Lawless Amnesty, Reveals Disturbing Details

It’s simply shocking that the New York Times Editorial Board would be so enthused, like school girls going to their first One Direction concert, over Obama’s executive action for illegal aliens, eh? Of course, the majority of legal citizens look like Dad’s at One Direction concerts, and as the details come out, our frowns will […]

Pirate's Cove