November 21, 2014 – 8:31 am
I think by now most of us know that Obama announced that, by Imperial Decree, certain illegals will get some sort of deferment, giving those who already decided to break the rules a chance to “play by the rules” (UK Daily Mail) President Obama announced a plan Thursday night to mainstream millions of illegal immigrants […]
November 20, 2014 – 12:37 pm
Vox’s Ezra Klein gives it the old college try in giving arguments for and against “Obamnesty” (Vox) For: The president clearly has the power At this point, fairly few people, even on the right, are arguing that Obama doesn’t have the power to exempt broad classes of people from deportation. President George H.W. Bush granted […]
November 19, 2014 – 8:54 am
What is the Gore Effect? It’s the notion that every time Al Gore shows up, the weather refuses to cooperate with Warmist prognostication, and we get unusual cold and snow. This has been stretched for times when Gore isn’t even there. Perhaps we should now start calling it the Obama Effect (Breitbart) On Monday, President […]
November 18, 2014 – 8:04 am
At a time when more and more American citizens are suffering under the Obama economy, Mr. Obama wants to give millions and millions of people who came to this country illegally/overstayed their visas what will amount to amnesty, since once these illegals are given parole/deferred action it will be tough to kick them out. What […]
November 17, 2014 – 6:58 am
As Mr. Obama makes noise about using his kingly, er, executive power to grant a temporary “amnesty” to millions of illegal aliens, their parents, etc (temporary because the order can be immediately cancelled after he leaves office, and would supposedly be only for a 4 year period of time anyhow), what did Mr. Obama write […]
November 16, 2014 – 8:56 am
Not in so many words, but if we read between the lines, we can see that Biden was just speaking the truth (CNN) Vice President Joe Biden emphasized the issue of income inequality to a gathering of major donors and activists Friday night, telling them Democrats will work to address it to help working people, […]
November 15, 2014 – 10:51 am
The UK Guardian puts it another way Obama’s $3bn for climate fund could kickstart action on global warming Why does he need to pledge to give money that isn’t his, ie, it’s taxpayer money, for this? There has been no statistically significant warming in over 18 years. Seriously A 0.63C increase in over 120 […]
November 15, 2014 – 6:52 am
So far, crickets back from Mr. Obama, because, remember, Liberals are super compassionate (Breitbart) A grieving father is asking President Barack Obama to bring his son, who was killed by an illegal alien, back to life with an executive order on immigration. “While your Executive Order pad is out, can you write one to bring […]
November 14, 2014 – 7:16 am
So, the President Of The United States Of America went to a foreign country, Burma, and decided to criticize the government of Burma (USA Today) Sweltering on the back patio of Burma’s most famous home, where democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi spent years under house arrest, President Obama and Suu Kyi called for further […]
November 13, 2014 – 7:15 am
Fox News got ahold of exclusive documents Source: Obama to announce 10-point immigration plan via exec action as early as next week President Obama is planning to unveil a 10-part plan for overhauling U.S. immigration policy via executive action — including suspending deportations for millions — as early as next Friday, a source close to […]